Everyone prays, only differently

10 May 2023

How do you feel about going into a new month? Excited, nervous, or emotionless? For me, it's a bit of everything. And lots of nervousness. A lot of it.

The Month of May, however, has always been special to me. It's the time of the year when I get to put out another candle. Like at Christmas, friends and family send their good wishes. And of course gifts too. I got quite a lot of it this year. Speaking of gifts, If you react to this post, I'll consider it a late birthday gift. Thank you! 

I saw an old friend last week, but we didn't discuss old times. I guess that's normal. Adults act like everything in the past is retro. How dare he ignore the old days? I didn't yell at him, I promise. In fact, I was happy to see him.

I also went to church for the first time in a while. The feeling, ecstasy - absolute ecstasy. One of the few places you'd find everyone. Different folks, different strokes. Prayers went up in their multitudes, and blessings poured down in faith. I said lots of silent prayers. But I meant them. I know I did. I just wasn't the loudest. I had nothing on that crowd. I'm convinced my prayers went up anyway. And I'm convinced everyone prays too, only differently. What a way to end my week! See you soon.

BTW, I think tight deadlines will have you questioning your passion. I know I almost put in my resignation letter last week. But I'm holding up.

Leisure Corner
Music Pick: I love Davido. He has a new album titled Timeless. Stream it!
Movie Pick: I saw three more episodes of Will Trent. I think Ramón Rodríguez is hyper in real life. Great actor.

P.S. This piece is coming up late. It's the summary of my previous week.

Continued from here.

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