Seasons Of Growth

10 Apr 2023

As I sit here at 12:15 am wondering where all my enthusiasm and in- credible consistency vanished, I'm reminded that I'm still a young guy who's barely figured shit out. There are days when I'm on a roll and there are days when I'm an absolute slump of a character. Nothing un- usual, you'd think. But when you're trying to be your absolute best, you feel like you're losing out on time if you're not doing something.
All our lives, we have lived in a box. From a cradle that swings when we're born, to the house we grow up in, to the tower where we head to work for our bread - we're accustomed to living within the boundaries of boxes. And somehow, that slowly trickles into our heads. In a vast endless space of flowing thoughts, we end up creating thick walls that restrict our sight and dreams.

It then takes tremendous work, to start tearing down these imaginary walls and think outside the box. Every now and then people break out and create a legacy that started out as a simple idea in their head. These stories are sold to inspire and bring out the next outside-the-box thinker. But in the pursuit of becoming the next "one", we end up tricking our minds to believe that if
we're not quick enough, someone else will take the spot. We convince ourselves that time is running out. Even when you're still 23!
We're constantly pursuing some- thing and forcing ourselves to latch on to anything that comes our way. But are great ideas born when you so desperately look for them? Or are they born in the shower? Maybe while you're driving through the traffic? Or when you're casually talking with your friend?

Most things in life are found when you least expect them or when you think you've already lost them.

I'm not sure how many people do this, but I calculate how well my day went by assessing how many differ- ent things did I do on that particular day.
Did I lie on my bed all day binging shows and eating snacks? A relaxed day. Did I do it the whole week? A terrible week. Now I feel like shit.

Did I hit the gym after work and then find time to work on my personal goals while also taking care of the garden and finding time to learn about investing? A solid 10/10 day. Did I do it consistently? This is how life should be.

I measure my life based on how happening my life is. Not in terms of parties or social interactions but in terms of productivity. And that in my personal opinion is a gift as well as a curse. A gift because life measured by productivity and experiences will lead to a very wholesome balanced life - a jack of all trades. A curse because when life slows down, you're immediately
left feeling like you're not doing enough. It's a pretty shitty feeling.

There's nothing that blos- soms all year long. So don't expect yourself t
We live in a world that goes through seasonal changes. So why do we expect ourselves to live the best life throughout the entire year? Aren't humans allowed to be seasonal beings too?

Maybe you're in hibernation right

now or maybe you're in your peak

form. Not one is better than theo.
other. They're just two seasons of the cyclical human tendency.

You can't appreciate spring without going through the winter. You can't dance in the rain before sweating under the scorching summer sun. Everything has its own time and its own place. Rushing over one to get to the other robs you of the fruit that comes out of your perseverance and discipline.

What you do at your worst when no one is watching will shape how you will portray yourself at your best when the whole world is watching.

You can't be the GOAT 365 days of the year. So be kind to yourself. When you're burnt out, stay away from creating. When you're tired, give yourself a break.
Whatever you're going through right now, is just one season in your life, and like all things, this too shall pass.

Here's the thing. I run a podcast. And because you're great readers, I know you're great listeners too. Everything I write, I narrate in my podcast. I won't lie when I tell you that the podcast has helped me, more than anyone. So if you think you'd like to revisit my thoughts, you can head to my podcast, Within 5 Minutes, which serves as an audio library for these blogs -

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