Characteristics of a religious fanatic

15 Aug 2022

You are a religious fanatic if you believe too much in the dividing tenets of your religion. If you allow the secondary aspect of your religion to conquer your mind. If you place high premium on the dividing tenets of your religion you are a counterfeit believer. you are a religious fanatic if you only believe in outward display of materialism, and you encourage social vices and patronise enemies of the society in order to make a living. You are a religious fanatic if you do not accept the truth that God is supreme, but the nation is superior to any religion because there is only one God but many religions. God is one, the nation is one and the people are one. You can not please God is you fail to serve all people creditably. Don't you disagree with the concept that the best religion is that which encourages it's followers to live peacefully with all people irrespective of their faith?. You are a religious fanatic if you redicle and devalue the very religion you profess to belong

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