The Journey to Thriving: Engaging, Consistent, and Growing Community.

12 Feb 2024

The greatness of a community lies in the VALUE GIVEN

These values give rise to the ENGAGEMENT

The engagement births CONSISTENCY in the teams efforts to succeed and this consistency inevitably produces the GROWTH we seek.

Now show me a thriving community and I will tell you the intricacies that are involved behind the scenes

  • The Ideas
  • The  difficulties
  • The back and forth
  • The walls hit

But what really gives the sigh of relief isn't truely the outright success, it is the overcoming of each challenges faced;

- The debugging of codes
- And fixing of errors
- The research that births the idea to keep the dream a step closer to reality and many more

Because success, sometimes without the hunger to keep improving, ultimately leads to what we call relaxation and contempt.

Here's a scenario;

Wondered why people still wake up, bath, and go to work??

It's because of the constant reminder that there're bills to settle.

Once you build a house, you become contempt that you don't have to pay rent anymore, but that doesn't solve the issue of feeding nor does it negate the need for clothing, electricity and the likes.

If we could eat once and never be hungry again, wevwouldn't think of food ever again. Now, incorporate that analogy to your success.

Success means different things to everyone but the question is;

Do you stop once you've achieved what's on your list??

Same logic goes for building and sustaining a community.

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