10 Rich Football Icons Who Went Broke After a Successful Career

2 Aug 2024

The world of football is filled with stories of immense wealth and success. Top players earn millions, not only from their salaries but also from endorsements and sponsorships.

However, not all footballers manage their wealth wisely, and some find themselves facing financial ruin despite their lucrative careers.

This article delves into the stories of ten such footballers who went broke after enjoying significant success on the field.

The Highs and Lows of Football Wealth

Footballers often reach the pinnacle of fame and fortune, enjoying lifestyles that many can only dream of. However, the transition from active sports to retirement can be challenging. Without proper financial management, even the wealthiest athletes can fall into financial distress.

1. Diego Maradona

Arguably one of the greatest footballers of all time, Diego Maradona's life off the pitch was as tumultuous as his career on it.

Despite earning millions during his playing days, Maradona faced financial difficulties due to extravagant spending, legal battles, and tax issues. At the time of his death in 2020, he was reportedly millions in debt.

2. George Best

Known for his exceptional talent and flamboyant lifestyle, George Best was one of football's first global superstars. However, his career was marred by alcoholism and poor financial decisions.

Best's excessive spending on luxury items and his addiction problems led to financial ruin, and he died in 2005 with very little to his name.

3. Ronaldinho

Brazilian legend Ronaldinho captivated the world with his skill and charisma. Despite earning substantial amounts from football and endorsements, Ronaldinho faced financial troubles post-retirement.

Legal issues, fines, and poor investments drained his wealth, and he was reported to have only $6 in his bank account at one point.

4. Paul Gascoigne

Paul Gascoigne, affectionately known as "Gazza," was a talented English footballer whose career was plagued by off-field issues.

Despite earning a significant income, Gascoigne's struggles with alcoholism and mental health issues led to financial instability. He has faced numerous financial challenges and public battles with addiction.

5. David James

Former England goalkeeper David James enjoyed a successful career with numerous clubs and the national team.

However, after retiring, he declared bankruptcy in 2014. Poor investments, a costly divorce, and failed business ventures contributed to his financial downfall.

6. John Arne Riise

Norwegian defender John Arne Riise played for top clubs like Liverpool and AS Roma, earning considerable sums.

Despite this, Riise filed for bankruptcy in 2007. Mismanagement of funds and poor financial advice led to his financial difficulties, though he has since worked to rebuild his finances.

7. Eric Djemba-Djemba

Cameroonian midfielder Eric Djemba-Djemba played for Manchester United and Aston Villa among other clubs. Despite earning significant wages, Djemba-Djemba went bankrupt in 2007 due to lavish spending and poor financial management. His story is often cited as a cautionary tale for young footballers.

8. Lee Hendrie

Former Aston Villa midfielder Lee Hendrie earned a substantial income during his career. However, after retiring, he faced severe financial difficulties, including bankruptcy in 2012. Hendrie's financial woes were attributed to failed investments and a high cost of living.

9. Brad Friedel

American goalkeeper Brad Friedel had a long and successful career in the Premier League. Despite his earnings, Friedel filed for bankruptcy in 2011 due to a failed soccer academy venture and significant debt. His financial troubles highlighted the risks of entrepreneurial endeavors post-retirement.

10. Royston Drenthe

Dutch winger Royston Drenthe was once considered a rising star, playing for Real Madrid among other clubs. However, poor financial decisions and a lack of savings led to his financial downfall. Drenthe filed for bankruptcy in 2014, illustrating the importance of financial planning for athletes.

Lessons Learned

The stories of these footballers serve as important lessons in financial management and planning. Despite earning vast sums, poor financial decisions, lack of planning, and lifestyle choices can lead to financial ruin. For current and future athletes, these cautionary tales underscore the importance of prudent financial management, investing wisely, and planning for life after football.

Financial Education

One of the key takeaways is the importance of financial education. Athletes should seek professional financial advice and learn about managing their wealth effectively. Understanding investments, taxes, and savings can help prevent financial mismanagement.

Planning for Retirement

Football careers are often short-lived, and planning for retirement is crucial. Athletes should focus on long-term financial stability, including savings and investments that will support them after their playing days are over.

Diversifying Income

Diversifying income streams can also provide financial security. Endorsements, business ventures, and other opportunities should be carefully considered and managed to ensure ongoing income beyond football.


The journey from riches to rags for these footballers is a stark reminder of the importance of financial prudence. Despite their immense talent and success, their stories highlight the risks of poor financial management. By learning from their experiences, current and future athletes can better prepare for a financially secure future, ensuring that their success on the field is matched by stability off it.


  1. Diego Maradona's Financial Troubles
  2. George Best's Life and Legacy
  3. Ronaldinho's Financial Struggles
  4. Paul Gascoigne's Battle with Addiction
  5. David James Declares Bankruptcy
  6. John Arne Riise's Bankruptcy
  7. Eric Djemba-Djemba's Financial Downfall
  8. Lee Hendrie's Financial Troubles
  9. Brad Friedel's Failed Business
  10. Royston Drenthe's Bankruptcy

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