The Hole In My Donut

14 Mar 2024

The Hole in My Donut (or Why Absence Makes the Heart Go All Jam-Filled)

Ah, absence. That pesky little gremlin that sneaks in and steals the joy from perfectly good situations. It's like discovering your favorite donut shop is closed for renovations, or finding out Netflix has inexplicably removed that ridiculous reality show you secretly loved. It leaves a void, a gaping hole in your day-to-day life, and in this case, the missing piece is the wonderful, utterly irreplaceable [Name of Person You Miss].

Now, I'm not talking about a dramatic, tear-stained-pillow kind of missing. More like a low-grade, persistent itch you just can't quite scratch. It pops up in the most mundane moments: reaching for a second opinion on that questionable shirt choice (because apparently, your internal fashion critic has gone on vacation with [Name]), trying to explain that weird dream you had (because [Name] was the only one who ever understood your sleep-addled ramblings), or even just walking past our usual coffee shop and picturing their bewildered expression when they realize you haven't dragged them in for their daily caffeine fix.

See, [Name] isn't just someone you tolerate. They're the human equivalent of sprinkles on a cupcake – the extra something that makes life a little sweeter, a little more fun. They're the one who laughs (or at least tries to) at your terrible jokes, the one who gets dragged along on your impulsive adventures (even if they secretly hate roller coasters), and the one who can somehow turn a grocery run into an epic saga (because who knew picking out bananas could be so dramatic?).

But fear not, dear reader! For within this bittersweet ache lies the beauty of a connection so strong that absence only amplifies its significance. Let's delve deeper into the wonderful weirdness that is missing someone, shall we?

Stage One: Denial (Also Known as "This is Fine" with Burning Memories)

The initial separation hits you like a rogue wave. You go about your day on autopilot, a hollow echo of your usual self. You reach for your phone to text them about that hilarious thing that just happened, only to be met with the stark reality of an empty messaging thread. A phantom vibration makes you jump, convinced it must be them, but it's just the cruel universe mocking your longing.

This denial stage is often accompanied by a mental slideshow of past adventures. You relive that time you both got lost trying to find a hidden waterfall (spoiler alert: there was no waterfall, just a lot of angry mosquitoes), or that impromptu karaoke night where you butchered every song with glorious enthusiasm (much to [Name]'s amusement, and perhaps slight mortification). These memories are bittersweet torture, a constant reminder of the laughter and joy that's currently missing.

Stage Two: Bargaining (Mostly with Yourself)

As the denial wears thin, a desperate need to bridge the gap sets in. You resort to mental bargaining, promising unseen cosmic forces anything to have them back. "Okay, universe," you plead, "I'll finally finish that mountain of laundry, I'll even eat my vegetables – just bring [Name] back!" You revisit old inside jokes, hoping to summon them through sheer nostalgia. You might even resort to stalking their social media (don't judge, we've all been there), desperately searching for signs of life (and by life, we mean a new post that you can desperately analyze for hidden messages about when they'll return).

Stage Three: Acceptance (But Not Really)

This is where things get interesting. You (somewhat) accept the reality of the situation, but that doesn't mean the missing has magically subsided. It's more like a simmering pot on the back burner of your emotions. You learn to function, but there's a constant undercurrent of "wish you were here."

However, within this “acceptance” lies a beautiful silver lining. The absence of [Name] allows you to appreciate their presence in a whole new light. You start noticing little things you took for granted – their infectious laugh, their uncanny ability to find the best hidden gem restaurants, the way they always know how to make you feel better, even on the worst days. This newfound appreciation fuels a fierce determination to make the most of the time you do have together, to create even more hilarious memories, even more embarrassing karaoke performances (because, let's face it, they wouldn't be complete without you both belting out off-key classics).

The Punchline (Because Every Good Story Needs One)

Missing someone is a testament to the strength of a connection. It's a reminder that some people leave such an indelible mark on your life that their absence creates a tangible void. But here's the secret: that void isn't just about the person who's gone. It's also a reflection.

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