Who Told You There's God?

6 May 2024

1. Who told you there's a God up high?
A voice in your head, a whisper in the sky?
A book, a priest, a parent, or a friend?
Who planted the seed that will never end?

2. Was it a prophet, a preacher, or a sage?
A wise man, a guru, or a holy age?
Who spoke of a deity, divine and grand?
And made you believe in a higher land?

3. Did you read it in a book, or hear it in a song?
Was it a dream, a vision, or a feeling strong?
Who told you there's a God, who's always near?
And made you pray, and wipe away your tear?

4. Was it a miracle, a sign, or a wonder to see?
A voice in the darkness, a light in the sea?
Who spoke of a savior, a redeemer, and a king?
And made you believe in a love that will cling?

5. Who told you there's a heaven, a hell, and a fate?
A judgment day, a reckoning, an ultimate state?
Was it a teacher, a mentor, or a guide?
Who showed you the path, and made you step inside?

6. Was it a personal experience, a feeling so true?
A sense of connection, a love shining through?
Who told you there's a God, who's always on your side?
And made you feel safe, and be your best guide?

7. Did you inherit it, from your family tree?
A cultural tradition, a belief system to be?
Who told you there's a God, who's always the same?
And made you follow, without a second thought or shame?

8. Was it a search for answers, a quest for the truth?
A journey of discovery, a path to youth?
Who told you there's a God, who's always the way?
And made you seek, and find a brighter day?

9. Who told you there's a God, who's full of love?
A compassionate father, sent from above?
Was it a feeling, a sense, or a knowing so deep?
Who made you believe, and helped you to keep?

10. Was it a moment of crisis, a time of great need?
A cry for help, a prayer, a heart that would bleed?
Who told you there's a God, who's always near?
And made you feel seen, and calm your fear?

11. Who told you there's a God, who's all-knowing and wise?
A creator, a sustainer, a love that never dies?
Was it a book, a verse, or a holy text?
Who made you believe, and find your best?

12. Was it a role model, a hero, or a star?
A shining example, near or far?
Who showed you what's possible, and made you aspire?
And told you there's a God, who's always on fire?

13. Who told you there's a God, who's always just?
A fair and loving father, who's always a must?
Was it a sense of justice, a moral code to live?
Who made you believe, and help you to give?

14. Was it a feeling of awe, a wonder to behold?
A majestic universe, a beauty to unfold?
Who told you there's a God, who's always grand?
And made you feel small, yet part of a bigger plan?

15. Who told you there's a God, who's always the same?
A constant in chaos, a love that's always the aim?
Was it a voice in your head, or a heart that would know?
Who made you believe, and help you to grow?

16. Was it a moment of joy, a time of great cheer?
A feeling of gratitude, a love that's always near?
Who told you there's a God, who's always the source?
And made you feel blessed, and find your best force?

17. Who told you there's a God, who's always forgiving?
A merciful father, who's always living?
Was it a sense of peace, a love that's always true?
Who made you believe, and help you to renew?

18. Was it a journey of self-discovery, a path to explore?
A search for meaning, a quest for more?
Who told you there's a God, who's always the way?
And made you seek, and find a brighter day?

19. Who told you there's a God, who's always the light?
A guiding star, a beacon in the night?
Was it a feeling of hope, a love that's always near?
Who made you believe, and calm your fear?

20. Who told you there's a God, who's always love?
A mystery, a wonder, sent from above?
Was it a sense of connection, a heart that would know?

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