Celebrating 10th Day on BULB.

29 Oct 2023

Appreciation, rewards, celebrating the special occasions, applauding and uplifting are sources of encouragement which may not costs anything but has great impact and importance. Such attitude from fellowship, organisation or administration made any person proud and motivated. He feels his importance and value in the team and his Morales went to rocking sky. It works magically more progressive after such energy doses.

It is almost 10th here when I join and today bulbapp celebrated my presence in style which I love most. I am on writing sites since 2018 and work with more than 9 different Platforms during this period. Honestly I received first time a very warm celebrating view today on Bulb app after completing my all weekly challenges.
A mail flashes from system that I completed all the tasks of the week , go to profile page and claim your Prize πŸ†.

From 19th of the month till today I unlocked four energy capacity frames and currently is on 5th rank with 100 energy Bulb points to keep interaction. It is remarkable thing on Bulbapp that system awarding energy points totally free every day to continue our engagement. Also giving us Bulb tokens as rewards of our engagement and interaction.

I love to stay in competitive environment and bulb app providing exactly the same. The current weekly challenges and rewards is best thing to check our capacity and capability. Huge reward in Bulb tokens on minor tasks are golden eggs for early birds here on Bulbapp. This week I completed all my six tasks and received celebrating πŸŽ‰ style reward.

170 bulb tokens for reading, commenting, reacting, refering and writing in the week is awesome. These tokens are a plus bonus with all other regular incentives.
The stylish celebration, to whom I falls in love, is like pouring his love on us , polishing our feathers, trimming our bad patches, arrowing our beak and showering kindness upon us.
Simply fabulous!

I never witnessed such beautiful interface on any site on accomplishments and achievements. A lovely gesture by leadership to the team members!
Why it is important?
Such appreciation is so important for team members because,

  • We feels our importance
  • We got energy
  • We stands more firmly with site
  • Uplift the loyalty.
  • Encourage us to spread the message in our social circle
  • Motivate us to bring our family members, friends to this site.
  • Empower us with dignity.

Today a tweet from official Twitter handle of Bulbapp.io published where they admit that previous week was a huge engagement one which brakes all previous record in terms of article published, comments made , tips given and energy used.

It is stunning thing that our community growing and has good engagement on site. Lot of experts of crypto verse writing here remarkably well and helping us to understand the trigonometry of crypto currency.

I personally looking something from all users that ,

  • Use your referral link and bring at least one friend to Bulb app weekly.
  • Whenever you publish an article here , you should share it's link on minimum one other social media platform like twitter, telegram, Facebook, linkedin or Instagram. Let people know the $bulb.
  • Encourage the authors with tipping, commenting and upvoting continuously.
  • Create affiliated link for your articles and share on different sites to earn extra bulb tokens.

That's all for today, I am grateful to all the fellow members for their support and encouragement.

. Amjad Ali.

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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