Our Souls Belong to a Long Drive

15 Jul 2024

Good Afternoon Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello, everyone! How are you doing? I think I need a vacation after all. Don't laugh, dear. Even the devil needs some time off, doesn't he? So, I was thinking yesterday about taking a long drive, far away from my hometown. No one to follow me, no one to ask questions. Just me and my feelings. How about that? Sounds interesting, right?

Then allow your host, Jawad, to take you on that journey. Pack your bags, and let's go. Shall we?

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Just Walk With Me Till The End

Our Souls Belong to a Long Drive

Perfect title, and it truly fits our concept today. Our souls deserve a free day—a day that is solely ours, where we can do whatever we want. However, there will be some restrictions, as "doing whatever we want" doesn't mean we should misguide ourselves. We yearn to break free from our daily routines. We are eager to do something that brings us pleasure. Right, guys? Let's proceed!

A Day of Relief

We have adjusted our lives to a routine dictated by the clock. We work office jobs from 9 AM to 6 PM. Some people work even more than that. Additionally, we have confined our souls to paperwork and daily earnings. But we are human beings, not robots. We don't run on electricity, gas, or oil. We run on self-pleasure. We need happiness. Our souls need it badly. That's why we need a break. We need some space. A day of relief is a must for every soul. We can survive without it, but slowly, it will break us from the inside. You will feel no energy in your body despite having good health. Why? Because our souls are dry. So, get up, my friends.

Let's Roar

We may not be predators like tigers or lions, but our souls need to roar. It means we are ready to embark on that journey. Just set aside some time for yourself. Pack your bags, grab some money, hug your family, say goodbye to your work for a few days, and here we go. From the very first step, you will feel happiness. Finally, a day to cheer. Your desired day has come. Let's go. Just go and feel it. Your soul will be lightened. You can take a deep breath of satisfaction. This is what you've been looking for. This is the thing that fuels our soul to gear up for the battle of survival. This is why traveling is necessary for everyone. Once you experience it, you will be fond of it. You will manage special days for it and inspire others as well.

The Road Belongs to You

A long drive that takes you to a garden of pleasurable experiences is here. Just go for it. Feel the breeze. Feel the enthusiastic soul hidden inside you. Feel the positive vibes. Yes, dear, this is the day. Spread your hands. The sun, the environment, and the air you are inhaling are all saying thank you. The Almighty made this world so beautiful and inspired us to explore it. But we have kept ourselves in a prison. Our souls have adjusted, but that is not our fate. We are born to be free.
This is our opportunity to do so. So why not, dear? Live it.

Ending Thoughts

This long drive is much needed for us. It's the best way to set our souls free. We know we have to return to our work. But some days should be granted by your soul to remind you that you are free. A happy soul can make many sad souls happy. It's true. Want to try? Then go for a long drive.

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com


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