I Got Fever, But Still Try To Write (My Personal Home Remedies)

8 Aug 2024

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-sitting-on-chair-while-leaning-on-laptop-3791136/

I don’t get sick easily, probably because of my weird immune system. The last time I got sick was 2 years ago. I know that some of you never get sick ever. You monster. Kidding. Good for you though.

Because the feeling sucks and I want to write. I am sick now, but I try to write. For you monsters who never got sick out there, the feeling of getting a fever is like getting punched all over your body. The ligaments of your body felt tingly and your whole body shivers.
It’s painful.

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But that won’t be enough to stop me from doing what I love, and I love writing. Its a gateway to express myself and I used to do this a lot by journaling in my Microsoft word documents. After awhile I’ll go back to read what I’ve written.

While some are gibberish thoughts, some I actually used as a stepping stone for ideas of some of my article that I publish today.

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I am not punching into office today so I have a day to write down my thoughts, ideas and perhaps could publish an article. At least I got one win out of this fever.

Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay

There are things that I usually do whenever I got a fever, and perhaps it could help some of you too. Instead of trying to be dependent on pills and OTC (over the counter) medication. These are what works for me, and help me boost my immune system that I got rarely sick.

My personal Home remedies for fever:

Have Cold Shower

Image by tookapic from Pixabay

I’m a big fan of cold showers. It helps me clear my mind of things, and I find comfort in cold shower especially here in Malaysia (It’s humid here) because its hot! Surprise surprise, having a habit of cold showers, it boost my immune system. There are more benefits and you can read an article by UCLA Health: 6 Cold Shower Benefits to Consider.

Drink Hot Tea

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

I never drink tea by choice. My wife just love to make them when I’m sick probably because how much I’ve complained about tea being yucky in my taste bud. She gets to torture me once every 2 years. Of course I take it with honey. That helps. But seriously, tea is considered as “comfort” beverage by many. Perhaps that’s why tea will help you sooth the pain a little bit.

Take Vitamin C Tablets

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

I always argue if Vitamin C tablets are considered as medication. But really they are just supplements. Taking vitamin C help boost your immune system against flu and the likes of it. Plus I love the sourness. If you want to avoid taking pills altogether, perhaps you can alternatively eat fruits like oranges and drink lemon juice.

Try to Sweat

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The one of the most effective (also my personal favorite) way of getting rid of your fever is by sweating. But how do you get yourself sweaty, if you can barely move? Well, I turn off every aircond, fans, close the window, and let heat sip into the room. I put on a sweater, or two depending on how brave I am that day and just sit quietly while reading or writing. Sounds boring, alright lets change that with watching Netflix on TV. Do whatever you want, the point is to get sweaty with minimal movement. You can just lie down and rest too if you can barely move.

Just Lie down and Rest

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-lying-on-bed-while-blowing-her-nose-3807629/

While this sounds the most logical thing to do, I try to avoid just lying down. Personally because for me lying down is me admitting defeat to the pain. Perhaps I am that old school. But, if you can’t take the pain and need to sleep, it is recommended that you just lie down and sleep. After all, pushing through the pain is not something everyone is fond of. The good thing is that, the more you are rested, the more you conserve your energy, considering that you won’t feel like eating because of your tongue numbness.

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Bottom Line

Be aware though before you start doing what I’ve suggested because what works for me might not work for you.

I try not to take OTC medications as it will weaken my immune system. Our body has its own ways of dealing with fever and to tap into its power (or miracle), you have to power through the pain.

If you find the pain to be intolerable, then I suggest you to go to your closest clinic to get a check up. There are many reasons why you may caught fever. It could be infections, food allergies and etc. Best to get that check with a professional medical officer.

If you are just like me, and is sick when reading this, I wish you speedy recovery. So you can go back to writing and doing the things you love.

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