Splinterlands | Molten Ogre | The Folklore | Seeking Salvation!

4 Feb 2025

Splinterlands | Salvation


“What makes the humans any better than us? Why can they be saved but not us?” Frenchstyke enquired.


The dark moist cave reverberated the silence that followed. The mist that hung around added to the heaviness of Ogre Frenchstyke’s sadness. The cave, its moistness, mossy slipperiness, warm odor, and many things that humans despised were what the Ogres loved. That was also one way to keep away from the petty humans.


“I am unaware of any scriptures that deny salvation to the Ogres,” Ogre Dyke’s trembling, experienced voice lifted the veil that the mist had placed, “if we don’t seek it, we don’t find it.”


That was the first instance in plenty of time that Frenchstyke inhaled deep. Dyke’s words were a flicker of hope that Frenchstyke was keen to imbibe. “So, there is salvation then.”


Before Dyke or anybody could say anything, the ground rumbled. The deep snarling voices from the pits of the earth reminded them of the impending doom that stared at them. If the mountain burst open, the Ogres would have to find lower ground and come face-to-face with other lives; worst so, humans. 


“We have to find elsewhere,” Dyke spoke, “if we intend to exist, we have to find other mountains.”



Salvation | Not Happening


The folklore spoke about an ancient Ogre King who gave up his life to the raging mountains for his subjects. That sacrifice, it was believed, kept the mountains holding the lava in their belly.


“I surmise the sacrifice has lived its time,” Frenchstyke said, “the mountains need a new one to hold back the lava.”


“I wonder if it will hold back despite the sacrifice this time,” Dyke pondered. 


Frenchstyke knew Dyke wasn’t doing well. The most learned amongst them was close to his tryst with the afterlife. Dyke was a teacher and a friend. Long gone were the days of the Kings. Now it was about the chiefs and Chief Ogre Frenchstyke had a tough situation raging in his mind. The mountain was not the only one holding back.


“What if I sacrificed?” Frenchstyke said, “Will the mountains hold back?”


There was silence. Dyke did not think he wanted to break it.



The War


The mountains weren’t giving up. The heat was so intense that all the moisture in the cave was gone. The Ogres couldn’t take it anymore. Going down the mountain was certain to put them against the humans. But not going down was not an option.


“I will go down with ten able-bodied Ogres and distract the humans,” Frenchstyke said, “others will escape.” 


Frenchstyke entrusted his Ogre general to take Dyke and others to safety. The action was immediate. As Frenchstyke took his aides down the mountain, he saw something that he least expected. The humans were coming up. It defied intellect, “why would they come to a rumbling mountain belly?” he said while his aides looked on. 


In a way, it was a good thing. The other ogres could escape now. As the ogres stood there, the humans saw them. They attacked. Frenchstyke and his Ogres had no choice. They had to fight. But the incline gave the Ogres an advantage. The ogres could fight well but not the humans.


Even before the humans and Ogres could fight, the mountains chose to interrupt. The rumbling had turned into one glorious blast spewing fireworks in the dark of night. The humans were terrified and ran. The ogres had escaped far enough. Frenchstyke saw his chance and ordered his Ogre fighters to also leave.


The entire episode had worked in the Ogres' favor. Or so, Frenchstyke thought..



Salvation | Is It?


As Frenchstyke was blessing the good fortune that he encountered, he heard a shriek coming from the other direction. It was the retreating humans. One of them was caught in the rocks. His compatriots did not notice, it seemed. The lava was sliding in the human's direction.


Frenchstyke thought he had to help. The lava flow was almost over the human, the only thing that Frenchstyke could do was cover him with a rock. There was no time to help him out and run from the lava. Frenchstyke leaped forward and put the rock over the human, but it was too late for Frenchstyke though….



Salvation | Arrived


The lava rippled over Frenchstyke. He expected to be fried alive but something happened. The lava’s melting heat was no longer affecting Frenchstyke. He had become something different, something similar to the lava. His skin glowed with rage.


“You have elevated yourself,” Frenchstyke heard a voice. He turned. It was a spirit. It didn’t take him long to know who it was. It was the King of the old folklore. “Now fight the good fight from hereon. Fight for what is right. You have found salvation. Now live it.”



And the Molten Ogre Folklore Was Born


*In the largest and deepest of the Flaming Caverns beneath Molten Mountain, there lives Frenchstyke, an Ogre that has been forged in fire. The Molten Ogre is called upon by the Torch for the grandest Ferexia military conquests, to fight the good fight. His incredible confidence, combined with his unparalleled strength cause many who face the Molten Ogre to run away in fear.*



Did You Like the Lore?


So, that was about Molten Ogre, our fearless, fiery leader. But where will you find him? In Splinterlands, of course. Where is Splinterlands? What is Splinterlands?


Read on to find out.



What Game is Splinterlands?


Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. ***The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.*** By now, you would know that the governance token (SPS) airdrop made millionaires out of the early adopters. It still keeps giving and remains a fun and engaging game.

To give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands, read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying only a few packs worth $20.

Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs

And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling them for as high as $6500. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace on the Hive blockchain and now on Wax too. And now the sales of the Rebellion packs, the newest of the lot, have also started.

Any reason not to try it out? To join, scroll down quickly. 😊


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**Image Courtesy:** Splinterlands Resources | JuliusH at Pixabay(dot)com



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Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || NFTPanda



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