Bull Run / Crypto and NFT's

7 Jan 2024

In crypto, the bull star will be ai and game tokens. And that's going to start a little bit of a rally in NFT. Later, NFTs will experience their golden period with metaverse projects. But not in its current form. Just wait a bit.
Bull season has actually begun. However, many people still say that the bull will come. We have seen this in both BTC and ETH, as well as many altcoins. Gems, shitcoins, network projects are flying by. Still think the bull isn't coming?
Why am I so focused on NFTs? Because there are many people who think NFTs are scams. We will see over time that this is not the case. Crypto will change the world order. NFT will change crypto. I believe it.
On the crypto side, I think the next bear season will start with regulations. I hope regulations will bring order in the long run. However, whether regulations will eliminate decentralization will remain a question mark.

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