Vitamins helps in Hair Growth ?
Good hair doesn't happen overnight, it happens haule haule. 😄
But here are vitamins that prevent further delay of hair growth:
• Biotin (Vit B7) – a type of Vit B – helps carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, which aids in hair growth – sources-- whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, fish
• Vit C – helps absorb iron, form collagen and prevents free radical damage giving you thick and lusturous hair – sources- Amla, strawberries, citrus fruits, peppers
• Vit D- prevents hairfall – sources – sunlight, some fishes, cod liver oil, mushrooms
• Vit E – great antioxidant - Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, and avocados
• Vit A - Your hair needs vitamin A to stay moisturized and grow. Good sources include sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, and some animal foods
All this information based on medical team who are working on hair problems. All the things mentioned is natural and easily available to people's.
So include good n healthy option in diet alwayz to get maximum benefits