Real Estate Tourism: What Is This Phenomenon Driving Real Estate Agents Crazy?

5 Jul 2024


The real estate sector has always been dynamic and complex, but in recent years, a particular phenomenon has emerged, much to the dismay of real estate agents: real estate tourism. This term, little known to the general public, describes a growing practice where individuals visit properties without any real intention of buying. Let's explore this phenomenon and its impact on the real estate market.

What is Real Estate Tourism?

Real estate tourism involves people scheduling property viewings out of curiosity or for entertainment purposes, with no serious intention of purchasing. These "real estate tourists" can be motivated by various factors: the dream of owning a luxurious home, the desire to see stylish interiors, or simply seeking inspiration for their own renovation projects.

Why Does This Pose a Problem for Real Estate Agents?

  1. Wasted Time and Resources: Property viewings require time and resources, both for the real estate agent and the seller. Organizing a viewing often involves meticulous preparations: cleaning, staging the property, and adjusting schedules. Unproductive viewings represent a considerable waste of time and energy.
  2. False Hopes for Sellers: Each viewing raises hope for a sale for the owner. When these hopes are repeatedly dashed by non-serious visitors, it can lead to frustration and discouragement.
  3. Distortion of Statistics: Real estate agents use viewing data to evaluate a property's attractiveness. Non-serious viewings distort these statistics, making it more difficult to accurately assess demand and implement effective sales strategies.

The Motivations of Real Estate Tourists

The motivations of real estate tourists are varied. Some are simply looking to satisfy personal curiosity or to experience luxury otherwise out of reach. Others might be potential investors exploring the market without immediate intent to buy, or individuals seeking inspiration for their own decorating or renovation projects.

How Can Real Estate Agents Address This Phenomenon?

  1. Prospect Qualification: Before scheduling a viewing, it's crucial for real estate agents to qualify prospects. Asking the right questions to assess their purchasing capacity and motivation can help filter out serious buyers from mere curious onlookers.
  2. Utilizing Virtual Technologies: Implementing virtual tours can reduce unnecessary physical viewings. Interested parties can explore the property remotely before deciding if they want an in-person visit.
  3. Client Education and Awareness: Informing clients about the implications and costs associated with property viewings can help reduce real estate tourism. Transparent communication about the buying process and expectations can deter non-serious curiosity seekers.


Real estate tourism presents a challenge for real estate agents, disrupting their work and distorting sellers' expectations. However, with appropriate strategies, its impact can be minimized. Prospect qualification, the use of technology, and client education are essential tools for navigating this evolving landscape. As the real estate market continues to transform, it's crucial for professionals to adapt and find innovative solutions to address this phenomenon.

Original Article : Tourisme immobilier : quel est ce phénomène qui rend fous les agents immobiliers ?

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