
5 Oct 2022

These last few days, I haven't really taken any time for myself, and I know that is bad since I need to. Both needs and wants are in abundance. I don't have the money I need to support the lifestyle I want, though. Is this the adulthood I was eager to begin? To guide newcomers in living morally, I believe that life ought to have included an instruction manual. I realize it's ironic, but I have to draw the comparison between being alive and living a life, which I believe to be opposites. I observed my neighbor, a father of three, sitting outside his home and gazing vacantly into the abyss. He appeared to be drifting in a sea of ideas, to me. I felt sorry for him because I knew that despite everything, he was nice. I now understand that in order to get all I want and need, I must work hard. Because I've come to realize that nobody will stand with you when things are bad.

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