Story :- Better Life !

22 Feb 2024

This is the story of a king and a beggar, which is related to the lives of all of us, so let's start -

Once a great happiness comes in the house of a king, he was very happy, so he decided that today he will go among the people, talk to them, give them some gifts, meet everyone.

I will share my happiness with my people.

So he goes among everyone, many soldiers are also going with him.

He was taking some gold coins with him.

He met the people, talked to them, answered their questions and was also giving gold coins to all of them.

Then the king's eyes fall on a beggar sitting far away, he is very sad, sitting quietly in a corner.

The king told the soldiers to bring him to him.

The soldiers go and bring the beggar to the king.

The king gives him a gold coin, he becomes very happy, happy and he goes back to his place.

Now the place is such that there is a drain next to it, in that happiness, in that confusion, that coin fell into the drain.

Now he is sad again, he is trying to find that coin in the drain, trying to take it out of the drain, but nothing is happening.

As soon as he did this, the king's eyes fell on him again, the king understood, he said to the soldier, call him again.

So the soldier goes and calls them again, the king gives them another coin, the king tells them to leave it and keep this coin.

The beggar became happy, now the beggar goes back to his place, but he is still searching for his first coin, making great efforts.

The king's eyes went to him again, the king called him again, thinking that he was feeling sad, so the king gave another coin to the beggar.

Now if we see, he has been given three coins, one coin fell into the drain but he still has two gold coins, but even now after taking the coin he again goes to the drain and starts searching for that coin. .

Now again the king calls him to himself.

Raja tells him this is the mistake you all do, you still have two coins, but your mind is on the one coin which you have lost.

We do the same in life, by remembering the wrong things that happened to us in the past, we ruin the good things that are in the present, forget them, ignore them.

Instead of enjoying our happiness, our family, our circumstances which are very good today, we remember the things that have happened before, which are no longer in your control.

You can't change it, you can't do anything with it, yet you are still chasing it and forget that you still have two gold coins.

So the king teaches that if a coin is lost i.e. some things have gone wrong in life then forget it, because there is a lot more in life ahead.

There are many such things in your present, by seeing, feeling and enjoying which you can make your life much better. Forgetting old things is one way to make your life better.


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