Ballons for you my baby

25 Dec 2022

I am scared, I am scared I’m not remembering you accurately
I scoured for your pictures today
I saw them, you looked different than what I imagine you look like in my head
You’re still pretty handsome with a crooked smile
You would’ve ended up being the most attractive of the three of us.
I am scared I’ve jumbled up my memories, I wish I documented our lives, I wish I can lock it up in a safe so that 30 years from now I can remember everything for how I truly was
We used to fight every day, but we loved each other every day,
I miss you so much, so damn much
This year I needed you, I needed that soft love
The love that holds your hand in kindness
The love that gives you ease
Every year I make a wish, and I haven’t asked for any other thing apart from you smiling mischievously, walking towards me and telling me it was all a lie.
This year I wish you to be my guardian angel, and give me the ease I need to get through with life, cause Lord knows I’m tired.
You were my level of vibe, I know we would have painted the town red.
I miss you so much, happy birthday my angel.

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