(part 3)-Tips on How to Survive the Bear Market
Hey friends in the web3 space, its another day for more tips on how to survive this market cycle people aren't too friendly with. As we can see,we are still in the bear market despite the little pumps and dumps. If we are not careful, we might be tempted to do things without research and we might get burned
CONSIDER STAKING: When the going gets tough in a crypto bear market and your portfolio starts shedding value left and right, staking comes off as a good way to earn a passive income from your crypto stash.
Staking basically refers to the practice of locking away your coins on a proof-of-stake (POS) blockchain for a period of time and being rewarded for it. The best part about staking is that it increases the size of your wallet even in a bear market.
That way, when the bull market resumes, you start with more than you had previously. Besides, staking also lowers the possibility of panic selling because your fund is securely locked on a blockchain.
Its a strategy one can use HODL their tokens for the long-term as you get more of it over time, this means you can stand to gain more tokens which means if the price of the tokens go up, you get more money.
That's it for now
See you in the next and final part.