From Chalk to Pen: Nostalgia for the Classroom Classics

12 Jun 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello, my lovely colleagues. Welcome to my world, a world full of stories. So, what's on the agenda today? We will definitely discuss it soon. But before that, let me express my heartfelt gratitude for the love and support you've shown me; it’s truly a blessing. I don't know how to thank you all enough. My sincerest thanks to each one of you.

Now, allow your host, Jawad, to welcome you all. Today's topic is...

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Life is like an empty road.

The Chalk, Duster, and Blackboard Story

Image from Unsplash

This is a beautiful and epic story that belongs to every child's childhood. It connects our wonderful childhood with the first steps into the world of education. This story taught us how to express our feelings. Yes, my dear friends, I am talking about a beautiful journey which, at the time, didn’t seem significant but, as we grew older, we realized those were some of the most underrated yet precious days of our lives.

We often talk about school days, reminisce about college life, and cherish memories from university, but we tend to underestimate the significance of our primary school years. These junior classes represent our true childhood, a time that brings back a flood of memories.
Do you remember the days when we first started writing on slates? The sound of chalk on slate is unforgettable, especially for those who grew up in the 90s. That distinct sound is etched in our memories forever, more so than any song or tune. It holds a unique place in our minds, symbolizing the beginning of our educational journey.

This is a story about the chalk, duster, and blackboard that helped shape our futures. It's about our school journey, from small beginnings to where we stand tall today. We acquired our first knowledge in early childhood when our mothers taught us the alphabet, trained us to speak properly with elders, to behave well, and to stay neat and clean despite our messy adventures.
Our first teacher is our mother, who has always tried her best to make us proper human beings and continues to do so. Hats off to every mother who sacrifices her entire life to raise children like us. I promise I will write more on this subject soon.

Well, back to the point. Where was I? Oh yes, talking about early school days. We got admitted to primary school and were introduced to a person who taught us for the rest of the year—a great teacher. Do you remember your first teacher? He or she took full responsibility for making us more confident, attentive, natural, and comfortable with our studies.
This is where the actual journey began. We used chalk to write the first alphabet of our language. We used the duster to erase mistakes. We wrote on slates or blackboards. Yes, that's how our voyage to where we are today started. Remember now?

How did these helped us?

It helped us to read, write and speak. It introduced us with 'Language'. The language that we speak through our entire life and is much needed in our job life. The language that we need to express our feelings and the language that we need in conversation. Everything now we have, is on the 'Foundation' that was built on that day with the help of chalk-duster-blackboard.

What if our life can be used as Chalk & Duster?

Image from Unsplash

Just imagine, with the help of chalk we can write the tensed situation of our life and then we can use the duster to rub out the wrong things! Ahhh... Life would have no complications, right? But it's just an imagination. In our dear childhood, the duster is used to correct our spelling mistakes in our very first attempt to write the first alphabet.
The little Chalk-Duster taught us a lot of things in our life that when we do something wrong, we still have chances to rub it out at a primary stage of mistakes. But when our mistakes grow older and we get used of it, we can't rub out those mistakes because our chalk has been replaced by pen. And we all know ink can not be removed from paper. Either we need white fluid or a new page to continue.

These three things (Chalk-Duster-Blackboard) are our first teacher and our childhood memories totally depends on it. We all grew up and promoted to higher sections where we used pencil after that and after that we used pen to write on papers but the first experience that we had with using chalk and duster are the golden days in our life that cannot be erased with any kinds of duster or anything else.

Ending Thoughts

Nothing can ever match the craze of using duster and chalk. Look at the children around you and tell them to write properly on the slate using a chalk and you can re-live your childhood memories in front of your eyes. Close your eyes. Witnessing your childhood? Those cute visuals are right infront of you. You are going school! Enjoy the moment dear. Because you are in your reliving your childhood right now.

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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