Democratic Responsiveness vs. Republican Loyalty: A Tale of Two Parties' Priorities

27 Jul 2024

Shikha Dalmia argues that the Democratic Party's push for Joe Biden to step down due to his declining health, which has raised concerns about his cognitive abilities, reflects their voters' concerns about candidate fitness. In contrast, Republican voters' unwavering support for Donald Trump, despite his numerous transgressions, shows a disregard for fitness. Berny Belvedere adds that the Democrats' actions were not undemocratic but necessary to respond to popular concerns. He contends that the Democratic Party's nomination process is legitimate and reflects voter sentiment, whereas the Republican base's loyalty to Trump, despite his fitness, underscores the differing party priorities.
Shikha Dalmia and Berny Belvedere delve into the recent political events involving Donald Trump and Joe Biden, which starkly contrast the Republican and Democratic parties' responses to their presidential candidates' fitness.

Shikha Dalmia emphasizes that Trump and Biden are unfit for office for different reasons. Trump, despite his numerous transgressions and an 'attempted coup ', a reference to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, remains highly popular among Republican voters. This unwavering support is rooted in his strongman persona and the perception of victimization, which has only solidified his base. Even legal troubles and a sexual assault conviction did not diminish his appeal; instead, they reinforced his followers' loyalty. Republican leaders, recognizing this solid voter base, have aligned themselves with Trump despite any misgivings.

In contrast, Democratic voters have long expressed concerns about Biden's health and cognitive abilities. This dissatisfaction led to a significant push from the party to replace him. Biden's withdrawal from the race and his endorsement of Kamala Harris reflect these voter concerns. Dalmia highlights that Democratic leaders listened to their base and acted accordingly, prioritizing the fitness of their candidate for office.

Berny Belvedere further elaborates on the Democratic Party's decision-making process. He argues that the pressure on Biden to step aside was not undemocratic but rather a necessary response to popular concerns. The notion that party elders orchestrated a coup against Biden is refuted by pointing out that it was necessary due to the president's declining health. Belvedere also addresses the criticism regarding Kamala Harris, noting that while she was not the initial favorite, her selection aligns with the voters' will as no significant challenger emerged against her. This underscores the legitimacy of the Democratic Party's nomination process and its commitment to addressing popular concerns.

Belvedere also contends that parties have the prerogative to set their own nomination rules and that the current process is flexible. He argues that the Democratic Party's choice to support Harris is legitimate and reflects the collective sentiment of its voters. This flexibility ensures that the party's decisions align with the will of its voters. If the party miscalculates or acts in bad faith, voters can express dissatisfaction in the general election, knowing that their collective sentiment is valued and reflected in the party's decisions.

In summary, Dalmia and Belvedere highlight the fundamental difference between the two parties' approaches: Democratic voters care about their candidate's fitness for office, leading to Biden's replacement, while Republican voters remain loyal to Trump regardless of his unfitness, leading to his continued dominance. This stark difference in their approaches underscores the varying priorities and responses of the two parties to their voter bases, making it clear to the audience.
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