environmental problems

17 Jan 2024


Increased consumption between environmental degradation and natural resources and there is a direct relationship due to the increase in production to meet this consumption. Such concepts as climate change, global warming are considered to be the consequences of environmental degradation and pose a serious threat to the quality of life. The existence of these problems creates a situation that needs a solution for mankind. In this study, the relationship of the environmental concept with economics and society is discussed. In addition, an evaluation is made at the point reached within the framework of the meetings held for the solution of environmental problems.


The necessity of the concept of economic growth has gradually increased since the 1970s. It has become evident as growth and protecting environmental quality. Because growth For this purpose, countries have consumed excessive resources, which has caused environmental degradation. has happened. Thinking about environmental problems regionally is the wrong way to find a solution. led to resort to methods. That's why environmental problems occur all over the world It should be examined at the international level and the solutions should be transferred at the international level. In the last quarter of the century, we will keep environmental degradation to a minimum and grow has been put forward and discussed in international meetings. However, it is recommended The solutions still have limited boundaries and legal processes. has been seen. In the study, after discussing the relationship of the concept of environment with society and economy, The emergence and causes of environmental problems are discussed. Solution processes Information about it is given. Summary of work on the topic of environmental problems It has the nature of.


Living beings establish a physical, chemical and biological living relationship and The environment in which he lives is defined as the natural environment. Natural resources, which are among the economic production factors, should also be included in the environment. In addition to living beings, inanimate beings also participated in the definition. In addition to living things, inanimate beings and the basic elements of the environment as the whole of the interactions of all living beings as an element of A more comprehensive definition was obtained when counting.living species' own existence over time sustaining the active interaction of living things with each other in an ecological and biological way It is defined as the environment in which they maintain their relationships.
The formation of the relationship between the environment and society is related to the existence of humans and is changing rapidly. is in a state of change. Consumption and consumption of the rapidly changing society over the centuries It has been observed that production concepts change the relationship between the environment and society. This For this reason, there is a close relationship between the environment and society. given to nature destruction causes a direct negative relationship between society and nature. is evidence. Conversely, protectionism is an example of a positive relationship.
People use technology, develop tools and gain information day by day. increases its capacity. In addition to basic needs such as shelter, heating and nutrition, communications, transportation and many consumer products that can alter the natural environment and provided vehicles for its services. This has many effects on the environment Due to the large scale of activities, technological tools becoming unable to prevent the wastes of the activities that occur, affecting nature creates stress due to the danger that occurs, and the wasteful lifestyle of human beings has made more use of natural resources and caused their destruction.
The relationship between the environment and economic growth has been discussed for more than 50 years and Different ideas have been put forward. These ideas are presented as two separate linear points. Considering that, while the group in the first point focuses on serious environmental problems (only environmental focused), on the improvement of group living standards (growth) at the other point is focused. These views are between the environment and the economy, that is, environmental problems. solution to discover the connection between increasing welfare and presented the proposal.
Causes and effects of many negativities similar to climate change; economy It is based on the relationship between environmental quality and environmental quality. What is meant by the concept of economy is How the level of growth and development can be increased, what is meant by the concept of environment The focus should be on how to protect environmental quality. growth in the last twenty years and Focusing on development may cause irreversible damage to our world. has caused. Increased concerns about environmental quality.
Environmental problems are generally examined as follows.


Although the environmental problems of developed and developing countries differ, general greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, destruction of plant and animal species damage to the ozone layer, climate change, urbanization, waste management etc. It is possible to show it like . Environment The reasons for the emergence of problems can be detailed more, but the main reasons are Reasons such as population growth rate, urbanization, industrialization, tourism, globalization and poverty can be listed.
Population growth;Looking at the historical process, population growth is the world's first has increased since then. The world in the early years of the Gregorian calendar Its population is assumed to be 200 million. 300 million in 1000 The world population will be 450 million in 1500, 6 billion in 2000, and 6 billion in 2021. It was determined as 7 billion 904 million. Population growth industrial revolution It reached 1 billion in the 1800s, when it started. In the 1900s, 1.6 reached billion. Population forecasts are 8.4 billion in 2030 and 9.5 billion in 2050. billion, and it will be 11.2 billion in 21002 . This overpopulation increases, new job resources for people, increased consumption and production, It has also caused an increase in environmental pollution. Most environmental problems One of the main problems is the population growth rate. In general terms Population growth does not have a positive contribution to the environment as long as the environmental boundaries remain constant. On the contrary, it has been observed that it has a negative impact and makes environmental management difficult. Increase in population growth in developing and underdeveloped countries causes an increase in production and consumption activities in these countries. has happened. As a result of this situation, the natural resources used are used unconsciously. Its use has caused environmental pollution. In addition, unconscious consumption and There are not enough natural resources, natural resources do not meet the needs of the population. caused it to be unable to meet.
Greenhouse Gas;It consists of gases that have heat-retaining properties. The atmosphere affects our world It has properties similar to an enveloping greenhouse effect. With the rays from the sun Our world is warming. But before the rays from the sun reach our world, It passes through the atmosphere's filter and retains some of the heat and reduces the earth's heat. keeps it in balance. Thus, the seas and oceans freeze or overheat Problems such as evaporation are solved. In fact, our atmosphere is our world It is possible to talk about its feature similar to a glass greenhouse effect.

Climate Change;global emissions, reduction and control reasons One of the most challenging problems faced by policy makers trying to address and there was great concern among citizens.
Industrialization;Since ancient times, people have been hunting and gathering While meeting their needs, they later discovered fire and engaged in agricultural activities. They were interested and interacted with the environment. In these times too The damage caused by humans to the environment has been discovered, but the industrialization process It was seen that these damages were at incredible levels in the 18th century, when it started.


At the 1968 UNESCO Conference, participants identified environmental issues for each level of education. development of curriculum materials for examination, promotion of technical education and promoting global awareness of environmental issues called (Palmer, 2002: 5-6). Addressing the interdependencies of environment and economy in development plans The first detailed suggestions regarding the game were made by the Club of Rome in 1972. It was mentioned in the “Limits of Growth” report (Keleş, 2006: 693–694). The necessity of a close relationship between the economy and the natural environment is At the Nations Environment Conference (1972), the relationship between development and environment was discussed together. taken, sustainable development concepts began to be created has been seen. However, the concept of sustainable development cannot be effectively addressed. Its adoption and effectiveness were achieved at the Rio Summit held in 1992. has been realised. 1992 Rio Convention on Biological Diversity, countries' own have acknowledged ownership interests in their biological heritage, such as medical products charges for issues such as exploitation of native plants and animals for uses and guaranteed royalties. Greenhouse gas on climate change The Kyoto Protocol, an agreement designed to limit emissions The initial commitment of the limitation, even if it does not seem to be fully fulfilled was seen as . Therefore, this to combat the challenges and reduce air pollution emissions use of cleaner technologies to encourage the reduction of both It is a necessity of the time for both developed and developing countries. It started its adventure locally and became global with the involvement of many countries. The role of environmental sustainability, which is a developing concept, is to be determined in actions, plans, meetings, summits and added to the plans. has been made applicable.

Key Words: Environment, Environmental Problems, Solutions for Environmental Promblems

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