Mixed Feelings of Reaching Level 10 on Bulb: A Milestone Achieved, A Journey Continued

30 Sept 2024

Mixed Feelings of Reaching Level 10 on Bulb: A Milestone Achieved, A Journey Continued

Image from Abdulsalam biliaminus page on Bulbapp.io

Reaching level 10 on Bulb is a milestone that I’ve been working toward for quite some time, and now that I’m here, it’s a moment of both celebration and reflection. Hitting this mark fills me with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that my contributions have been recognized. However, the joy of reaching level 10 is also met with the realization of how long it might take to ascend to level 11. The leap from level 9 to 10 wasn’t easy, and I can’t help but wonder how much longer the next step will take. Still, this journey is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Celebrating Bulb's Achievements

In reflecting on this milestone, I can’t help but appreciate the incredible growth and improvements Bulb has seen since I first joined. One of the standout changes has been the introduction of gate fees, 500 Bulb to comment and 2000 Bulb to write posts. Initially, this felt like a barrier, but it quickly proved to be a wise move to eliminate spammers. Genuine Bulbers were happy to pay these fees, understanding that they were investing in the integrity of the platform, while spammers naturally exited, leaving a cleaner and more authentic space.

I vividly remember the enthusiasm when the community was empowered to report spam posts. It was a moment of unity as genuine Bulbers rallied to keep the platform spam-free. Campaigns and competitions were organized to raise awareness, and we all played a role in sanitizing the space. It was during this time that I began encouraging Bulbers to join the Discord community, where we could stay updated on Bulb’s developments in a more informal setting. This helped us connect on a deeper level while staying informed about the project’s growth.

New Features, New Horizons

Image from Bulbapp.io

One of the most exciting developments was the introduction of the thread feature. At first, I was concerned that spammers would take advantage of it, thinking it was an isolated space for them to operate without harming the platform. To my pleasant surprise, the threads have been embraced by genuine Bulbers, and it’s remarkable to see how well it has integrated into the community. It’s like running a Web 2 feature on a Web 3 engine, creating an interactive space that allows for deeper discussions and engagement.

Another major addition was the trade-to-earn feature. When it was first introduced, I wondered if it would work, especially given the decline in Bulb token value at the time. But Bulbers, ever supportive of the project, adopted the feature and did their part to help boost the platform’s value. Unfortunately, liquidity issues surfaced, and for a time, we couldn’t swap tokens. However, kudos to the Bulb team for working tirelessly to restore the swap feature through the Jupiter platform, keeping the faith of the community intact.

Commendations and Suggestions

Throughout this journey, one thing has stood out: Bulb’s team listens. We’ve seen constant updates and improvements based on Bulbers’ feedback, which is a testament to the team’s commitment to building a platform that meets the needs of its users. And as the saying goes, “the reward for good work is more work.” With that in mind, I’d like to reemphasize a popular opinion in the community—we need to focus more on marketing. The platform has so much potential, and if we grow the community and strengthen the token, Bulb can truly become a powerhouse. Bulbers, including myself, are ready to support any marketing efforts when the time comes. Feel free to engage us in this mission, as a strong and active community is essential to Bulb’s success.

Lastly, I want to remind the team that we are still awaiting updates on the introduction of new hashtags. These will go a long way in improving content quality and making posts easier to discover. Proper classification will enhance the overall user experience and help Bulb continue to evolve.

Looking Forward

As I sit at level 10, reflecting on the progress made and the road ahead, I am filled with optimism. Bulb is more than just a platform—it’s a community. And with every update, every feature, and every milestone, it becomes clear that this is a place where genuine ideas can flourish. Yes, reaching level 11 might take some time, but with all the exciting changes happening, the journey will be worth every moment.

Bulb is, without a doubt, a wonderful platform, and I look forward to continuing this journey with my fellow Bulbers, growing together as we shape the future of this incredible community.

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