Spiderman is My favourite super Hero...

27 Jul 2022

Since childhood, we have been hearing the story of superheroes. Where every child of Superman, Bateman is crazy and my favourite was spiderman.
Spiderman fighting the evils of society by making the spider's web a strength.
The story goes like this, about a simple young man named Peter Parker who is bitten by a radioactive spider, which results in him gaining unprecedented agility and strength...
The story of Spiderman is like this. Pavitra Prabhakar is a poor Indian boy who lives in a village and wants to study with his Aunt Maya and Uncle Bhima.
Only Meera, a girl from the school, becomes his friend. Meanwhile, a local crime gangster Nalin Oberoi is using an amulet to perform an ancient tradition.
In research published in the 'Proceeding of the National Academy', scientists had revealed that a reptile species called geckos gave comfort with the help of its sticky feet.
On the other hand, characters like Spiderman can only be in cartoons because if a man has to climb a wall like Spiderman, then his big sticky feet ...

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