Wings of Fortune: When Readiness Meets Destiny

6 Jul 2024

Wings of Fortune: When Readiness Meets Destiny

The keyword is opportunity.

In the quiet dawn, as the world awakens,
Lies a truth in shadows, softly taken.
A whispered adage, timeless and wise,
That opportunity meets readiness, where fate lies.

Once, a video moved the hearts of many,
A displaced Kenyan boy, without a penny.
In the midst of struggle, he found his voice,
Speaking of lost chances, of an unfair choice.

Opportunity, a swift and fleeting bird,
Silent wings, often unheard.
It flutters by in moments so brief,
Leaving the unprepared in quiet disbelief.

In the morning's light, the diligent rise,
With dreams alight in their focused eyes.
They till their fields, they hone their craft,
For they know opportunity comes not by chance, but by path.

This boy, with eyes reflecting the sun,
Knew his battles had just begun.
Yet in his gaze, a fire burned bright,
A testament to readiness, in the face of plight.

With hands calloused and minds keen,
They work through trials, sights unseen.
For readiness is a garden, meticulously sown,
Where every seed of effort is carefully grown.

Image from Isixsigma

Opportunity, it calls not with grand parade,
But in subtle hints, where the foundations are laid.
In the mundane tasks, in the daily grind,
It seeks the prepared, the resolute mind.

Through seasons harsh, and nights so long,
They build their strength, they grow their song.
With every sunrise, a new chance they see,
For the wise know, readiness is the key.

It's not in the flash of sudden fame,
But in the quiet mastery of one's own name.
In the endless practice, in the learned skill,
That opportunity sees and moves in for the thrill.

In the forge of time, and patience's fire,
They sculpt their lives, they climb higher.
For readiness is the beacon, shining bright,
Guiding opportunity in the darkest night.

Those who wait for luck alone,
Find themselves in fields overgrown.
With weeds of regret, and vines of delay,
While the prepared forge on, and clear the way.

For in the heart of readiness, there's a flame,
An enduring light that stakes its claim.
On every chance, on every door,
Turning whispers of opportunity into roars.

The old adage stands, firm and true,
Opportunity meets readiness in those who pursue.
Who strive and sweat, who learn and grow,
Who seize the moment, and let their talents show.

In every heartbeat, in every breath,
In moments of joy, and times of death.
Opportunity dances, where readiness sings,
Together they soar, on united wings.

In the story of life, in every tale,
It's the prepared who triumph, who prevail.
For opportunity is a visitor, rare and brief,
It comes to those who stand firm in belief.

Belief in their toil, in their ceaseless grind,
In the relentless sharpening of the mind.
Opportunity, it finds its way,
To those prepared for the light of day.

So heed the wisdom, ancient and old,
Let readiness be your treasured gold.
For when opportunity knocks, be not in strife,
Be ready, be willing, embrace its life.

Image from IRIS Intelligence

Weave your thread,
With diligence, with foresight, with heart led.
For in the loom of destiny, the pattern is set,
Where readiness and opportunity have met.

In the end, when stories are told,
Of the brave, the wise, the bold.
Remember the adage, simple and plain,
Opportunity meets readiness, and there they remain.

And as the boy's story reached far and wide,
A beacon of hope, a source of pride.
His voice a reminder, clear and true,
That readiness can turn the tide for me and you.

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