The Rise of Stablecoins: How Tron's USDT is Surpassing Traditional Payment Giants

21 Jun 2024

Tron’s USDT Surpasses Visa in Daily Transaction Volume: A Milestone in Crypto Adoption

Background on Tron and USDT

Tron: A Blockchain for Decentralized Applications

Tron is a blockchain-based platform designed to create a decentralized internet ecosystem. It was founded by Justin Sun in 2017, aiming to build a free, global digital content entertainment system with distributed storage technology. Tron allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) on its network, providing a scalable, high-throughput environment.

One of the standout features of Tron is its ability to handle a high number of transactions per second (TPS), making it an attractive option for developers and users looking for efficiency and speed in their blockchain interactions. The network's native cryptocurrency is TRX, which is used to power transactions and applications within the Tron ecosystem.

Tether (USDT): The Leading Stablecoin

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin in the cryptocurrency market. Launched in 2014 by Tether Limited, USDT is designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to traditional fiat currencies like the US dollar. Each USDT token is backed by an equivalent amount of fiat currency held in reserve, providing a reliable store of value for users and traders.

USDT facilitates easy transfers between different cryptocurrency exchanges and is often used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a safe haven during periods of market volatility. Its widespread use and acceptance have made it one of the most traded cryptocurrencies globally.

The Surge of Tron’s USDT

Recently, Tron’s USDT has seen a significant increase in its 24-hour trading volume, reaching $53.031 billion and surpassing Visa’s average daily transaction volume. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the demand for stablecoins during the crypto market downturn and the efficiency of Tron’s blockchain network.

Tron’s ecosystem continues to expand, with its total value locked (TVL) now over $8.1 billion, making it the second-largest blockchain network by TVL, only behind Ethereum. The network’s ability to offer lower transaction fees and faster processing times has contributed to its rising popularity and increased usage.

The Impact of Stablecoins on Traditional Finance

Stablecoins like USDT are increasingly seen as potential disruptors to traditional payment networks. Their ability to facilitate fast, low-cost transactions across borders challenges the dominance of established payment processors like Visa and Mastercard. This shift is prompting traditional financial institutions to consider adopting blockchain technology and exploring their own stablecoin solutions to remain competitive.

The recent achievement of Tron’s USDT surpassing Visa in daily transaction volume highlights the growing influence of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins in the global financial ecosystem. As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to rise, it is likely that we will see further integration of these digital assets into mainstream financial systems, driving innovation and competition in the industry.

Tron USDT Overtakes Visa in Daily Transaction Volume

The crypto market is experiencing a downturn, but Tron’s USDT is seeing unprecedented growth, now surpassing Visa in daily transaction volume. Let’s delve into this significant development.

Record-Breaking Volume for Tron USDT

On-chain data from Lookonchain has revealed that the 24-hour trading volume of Tether (USDT) on the Tron network has reached $53.031 billion, a 10% increase in the last 24 hours. This volume surpasses Visa’s average daily transaction volume, a notable achievement considering Visa’s status as one of the world’s largest payment processors.

USDT Tops Visa’s Daily Transactions

The value of Tron’s USDT has seen rapid growth. Currently, there are over 45 million holders, with USDT being transferred over 1.8 billion times. This spike in volume can be partly attributed to the increasing demand for stablecoins during the current crypto market downturn.

Tron, developed for decentralized applications, has also seen a rise in its total value locked (TVL), which has increased to over $8.1 billion. This makes it the second-largest blockchain network by TVL, trailing only Ethereum. Tron’s ecosystem has generated over $730 million in revenue this year, again second only to Ethereum’s $1.6 billion.

The Challenge to Traditional Payment Networks

Visa has long been a leader in payment processing, but the rapid growth of USDT and other stablecoins poses a significant challenge. To remain competitive, Visa may need to explore launching its own blockchain-based system and stablecoin.

Stablecoins Outpacing Traditional Payment Networks

Data from Nansen, an on-chain analytics firm, revealed that in April, the top three stablecoins—Tether, USDC, and DAI—had higher trading volumes than Visa. In March 2023, these stablecoins processed a total of $1.369 trillion, compared to Visa’s $1.23 trillion for the same period. Tether alone had nearly the same monthly volume as Mastercard, with Tether processing $654 billion compared to Mastercard’s $750 billion monthly average.

The Growing Influence of Cryptocurrencies

USDT surpassing Visa’s transaction volume highlights the increasing adoption and influence of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins in the global financial ecosystem. With the current regulatory clampdown on the crypto market, it is likely that we will see even more increases in stablecoin transaction volumes as traders seek safe havens for their assets.


Tron’s USDT overtaking Visa in daily transaction volume is a significant milestone in the crypto world. It underscores the shifting dynamics in global finance, where cryptocurrencies and stablecoins are increasingly playing a central role. As the market evolves, it will be interesting to see how traditional payment networks like Visa respond to this growing competition.

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