Why you need a Remote Office

13 Oct 2022

Most freelancers and remote workers find it difficult to meet targets and deadlines because of one form of indiscipline or the other stemming from their not being in a conventional work environment. It is admittedly difficult to get up and do work especially when you are unsupervised and it takes a great amount of discipline and motivation to get work done on your own.

The most common of these distractions are from normal chores and errands. Improper time management makes remote workers start projects a day or a few hours before the deadline and rush over them, sometimes delivering below-par or shambolic results. Admittedly, there is always that extra temptation to stay a little longer in bed, take longer in front of the TV, or stay for longer in the shower in the morning.

Experts have found that creating a little room or space in your house and dedicating it as an office space helps to overcome these temptations and also makes you more productive working from home. It is advised that you treat this in-house office as if you were working right under the nose of your boss or from a real office space. Do not try to work from your bed or make your bed your in-house office space. The space should be comfortable, properly arranged and free from distractions. Dedicate a portion of your time for work, prepare as if you were going to an actual office - have a shower, eat and dress accordingly - and arrive at the space on time. You might not need to wear a tie or anything as formal like that, but changing out of lounge wear helps create a serious atmosphere for you to carry out your work. 

I have tried this technique personally and I have found that my productivity levels increased dramatically and I could get more work done in less time and I was able to reach every deadline. Not only does it increase productivity levels, but it also helps to boost confidence and decisiveness in your work.

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