वसंत हृदय चैत्र.

29 Oct 2022

Phalgun, Chaitra and Vaishakh are the three months that bear the symbol of the Pushpamudra of spring. One is mixed with the other. However, Chaitra is the true spirit of spring. It is honey. This symptom of Rituraja or Madhumasa is beautifully described by Dnyaneshwar:Just like the gate of Rupati, Vanashree is constantly changing the fruit load.
The darshan of the trees covered with Vani Gardflowers by Ritupati is seen only in Phalguna. So what's so special about honey? It's all beauty this month; But the form of fruits is also visible. Sweetness flows from flowers and fruits.The form of Palvi in ​​Chaitra is a great charm anywhere; But look at these pimpal trees, how beautiful rose-colored leaves are dancing with silken flags. As the old leaves fell, the new ones came, so this palavi, like the shirisha, did not fill the eyes at first; But when all the new leaves come out, when the bright pink leaves really shine in the sun, it looks like beautiful flower balls are blooming on the tree. The palm of other trees is so small that it does not move much; But there is a pimpal tree near our house with the same curl of these leaves, it looks very springy. A huge honey vine has climbed over him. She has surrounded the tree from all sides right up to the middle and now this honey is full of pink balls. Now there is no more room for flowers, the red leaves of the pimpal and these bunches have become so thick and not only the palbis but the green fruits also cling to their branches like other trees in rows.If one has been very keen on all the flowers, this foul-smelling filth is filled with so many beautiful and colorful bunches of flowers. Among the pink flowers, one yellow, one pink marigold and yellow, yellow and purple, red and white, purple and pink, red and purple, how many colors should be described in the flowers of this plant? In fact, no two colors naturally go well next to each other; But in the world of nature, no gaudy and seemingly incongruous colors adorn each other, rather they complement each other.increase In many parts of Gujarat there is a drought of tree plants, there this tree is very important. We scornfully call her dirty and pass by her incomparable color beauty, but in Gujarat the beautiful and true name 'Chuni' has been given to this tree, and hearing this name of this flower revealed to me the secret of the brilliant color of the lime trees of Kathewadi and Rajputana. They are often derided as garish colors. The color combinations that we carefully avoid in our clothing are the same for these people For centuries Shirodharya was considered as inspiration of nature. It is surprising to see that Indian color taste has its roots in regional environment and natural inventions. Similarly, look at these Mada and Surmada trees, the Mada trees look evergreen and full of fruits.They do not know the courtship of the Pallavas like Falgu, who licks his head with a paler jaw. From the core of their leaves sprouts a boat-shaped pod of anchored coconuts, and from the dumb hearty aiwa shoots out plumes of betel-colored flowers. These lombyas are visible till the middle of Chaitra. Coconut flowers are restricted and firm; But pick four or two flowers from the bunch of flowers lying under the tree and have a look.Their firmness will not bother you. The smooth touch of the petals soothes the fingers. These flowers are pale yellow with three petals. Seeing this three-petalled flower cup with thick hairs of the same color inside, you will not fail to be mesmerized by the beauty of their shape. It is great fun to see this nail-sized flower of huge coconut!
The neem tree next door is bursting with tufts of blue flowers. Its fragrance is very pleasant at night. Next to it, a bitter and strong smelling karanja tree has also blossomed. The appearance of Karanja flowers is extraordinary. A bud as big as a fingernail, the size of a pin, white, green, but when the flower blooms, how strange it looks. A blue-purple delicate beautiful bud inside and a semi-circular white cap on her head. It is as if Bal Ghanshyam, wearing a turban, has incarnated in the form of these flowers. This flower bed lying on the road looks very beautiful.A description of the foliage and fruit decorations of Chaitra would not be complete without Abya-Phansa. This mango tree has been cooperating with spring since the end of the season. There is great fun when the green balls of the canines on the long stalks sway with the wind, or when parrots or crows peck at them to see if they have fallen. The cuckoo's nest from the trees outside the village is also often carried out on these trees. On the one hand, the leaves are falling when it is already June; But the tree never looks like that. In Chaitra, the Vahiya tree receives palavi's ghos ghos and they also take a swing with Kainya. It is difficult to tell whether the tree is beautiful or now, full of blossoms and full of fragrance.And Fanas? Although it does not have a visible stem, it also looks like a bat and its fruits are visible from head to toe. Phansa does not bear flowers, but in Paush-maga it gets green buds. Like a puffy pepper then each coca splits. The upper flow becomes subkini and leaks. The inner green pulp is smooth, wrinkled, then after a few days, fine poppy-like seeds appear on it. The grains grow to form white worm-like fibers. Thorns grow from under them and they shed fibers to form a plant that is full of organs but about the same size as the head. They hold it right from the bud, sometimes the fruit is buried in half the soil.This beautiful Chaitra masa is adorned with some knots on the tree and some knotted paws in the sense of perfection. Syriali dadi tarva kavani, tar tari watocho kendnani, radi par got, these black nests are the beautiful punctuation marks in basta's hieroglyphics. This drop of sweetness seems sufficient to the taste, and therefore I prefer to look at these gross punctuation marks rather than explore the vast hieroglyphics of nature.

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