Robots: World Future Citizens?

4 May 2022

                                                         Photo by  EvgeniyShkolenko

As the world becomes increasingly automated, some believe that we are witnessing the rise of the robot world citizen. Already, we see robots performing many of the tasks once reserved for humans, from manufacturing to research and development.

The current world population is estimated at 7.3 billion and will reach 9.7 billion by 2050. With the world's population growth outpacing the ability of our planet to provide for all sustainably, it's no wonder that discussions around creating a new world order centered around artificial intelligence (AI) are gaining momentum.

As these machines become more sophisticated and ubiquitous, it isn't easy to imagine what tasks will eventually be left for us humans. However, this doesn’t mean that we should be afraid of the rise of the robot world citizen.

What are Robots?

Robots are machines that can be programmed to do specific tasks. Robotics is the science and technology of robots. Robotics engineers design and build robots, while robot programmers write the instructions that make them work.

Most people think of robots as machines that look like people, but there are all kinds of robots. Some are small and lightweight, while others are big and heavy. Some work in factories, while others work in homes or hospitals.

Robots can be used for many different purposes. For example, some robots are used to, For example, some things, while others test something or clean things up. There are even robots that can swim or fly!

Robots have been around for a long time. The first robot was built in 1961, and since then, they have become increasingly popular.

History of Robotics

Robots are a part of our everyday lives, from the Roomba cleaning our floors to the drones delivering our packages. But where did these machines come from? Here are some key moments in the history of robotics.

The history of robotics can be traced back to ancient Greece. In 400 BC, mathematicianHero of Alexandria designed a machine that could be controlled by steam power. However, it was not until the 20th century that robotics began to emerge as a field of study.

In 1738, French mathematician and philosopher Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed the idea of a mechanical calculating machine called a “thinking machine” in his book A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. This was one of the first proposals for a robot.

In 1811, American inventor Thomas Jefferson Davis created a rudimentary steam-powered robot that could move forwards and backward.

In 1876, Nikola Tesla demonstrated his radio-controlled boat at Madison Square Garden. This was one of the first examples of wireless communication between machines.

In the early 20th century, a man named Joseph Engelberger was working on a project to create a machine that could be used to lift heavy objects and realized that he could create a machine that a human operator could control. This was the beginning of the robotics industry.

In 1948, American scientist George Devol invented the first industrial robot used to automate manufacturing tasks. 

In the 1950s, industrial robots were developed for use in manufacturing plants. These robots were large; cumbersome machines used to automate the manufacturing process. 

The next major development in robotics came in 1969 when Japanese engineer Masahiro Mori developed the first humanoid robot.

Over the years, the design of robots has changed, and they have become smaller and more agile.

Since then, robotics has become increasingly important in both industry and academia. Today, robots are used in various applications, from manufacturing to health care to search and rescue.

The Impact and Rise of Robotics

Robotics have been commonplace in the industrial and manufacturing sectors for many years. However, in the past decade or so, there has been a notable increase in the deployment of robots in service industries such as health care and retail.

A recent study by the International Federation of Robotics found that robot sales are booming, with an estimated 1.3 million robots being sold in 2017 – a 30% increase from the previous year.

Many factors are driving this rapid growth in robotics adoption. One key factor is cost: robots are becoming increasingly affordable thanks to technological advances.

In addition, businesses are realizing the benefits of automation and deploying robots to improve efficiency and throughput.

Robots can also boost productivity and create new jobs by taking on dirty, dangerous, or dull tasks.

The Effect on the Labor Market

Robots have been around for centuries, but their use in the manufacturing and service industries is more recent. In many cases, robots replace human workers to increase efficiency and productivity.

While there are some benefits to using robots in the workforce, their impact on the labor market is unclear.

Some economists argue that robotics will increase unemployment and decrease wages, while others say they will create new jobs and increase worker productivity. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of robotics on the labor market.

Economists are revising their views on robots and jobs - 2022 

There is no doubt that robotics has significantly affected the labor market. For example, some experts believe that robotics has contributed to the decline in manufacturing jobs in the United States.

Others argue that robotics has increased the number of jobs, as businesses have produced more with fewer employees.

Despite these conflicting viewpoints, there is general agreement that robotics has significantly impacted the labor market. Businesses are increasingly using robots to automate tasks that were once done by human beings.

This trend is likely to continue as businesses find new and innovative ways to use robots to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

As a result of this trend, we will see a continued decline in manufacturing jobs in the United States and other parts of the world.

Uses of Robotics in Society

Robots are becoming increasingly commonplace in society. They are used in a variety of ways, from manufacturing to healthcare. Some of the most common applications of robotics are in manufacturing and surgery.

In manufacturing, robots are often used to do difficult or dangerous tasks for humans to do. For example, they may be used to weld parts together or handle hazardous materials.

This allows companies to produce products faster and more cheaply than they could with human workers.

In surgery, robots are often used to perform delicate procedures that would be difficult or impossible for humans to do. For example, they may be used to remove tumors or repair organs.

This allows surgeons to perform operations with greater precision and accuracy than traditional tools.

What are Humanoid robots?

Robots come in all shapes and sizes. Some are large; some are small. Some have wheels; some have legs. But what is a humanoid robot?

A humanoid robot is a robot that looks like a human. It has two arms, two legs, and ahead. It can walk and talk just like a human.

Humanoid robots are used for many different purposes. Some are used for research and development; others are used for manufacturing or service tasks.

They can be used in dangerous environments or places where it is difficult for humans to go.

There are many different humanoid robot projects that people are working on, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks.

One of the most well-known humanoid robot projects is the Honda Asimo. The Asimo can walk on two legs, climb stairs, and even carry objects.

All New Honda Asimo 2018 at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

It's also been programmed to recognize certain facial expressions and voices. This allows it to interact with people more naturally.

Another popular humanoid robot project is the DARPA Robotics Challenge. This challenge was created by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to promote research into human-like robots that could be used in disaster relief situations.

Humanoid Robots in Action - DARPA Robotics Challenge

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, unveiled a new humanoid robot called Optimus. The 57-inch-tall robot is designed for use in manufacturing and logistics applications. In addition, this new robot is designed to help with tasks around the house and office and assist in disaster relief efforts.

Elon Musk: 'Robots will be able to do everything better 

Musk said that the project's goal is to create robots that are "easy to use and safe" and that "the future of robotics is about collaboration." He also demonstrated the robot's agility by having it play a game of rock-paper-scissors with him.

Elon Musk Introduces 'Optimus' The Humanoid Robot 

Optimus is the latest in a series of humanoid robots unveiled by Musk, including Tesla's Model X SUV, which has self-driving capabilities.

Humanoid robots are still in their early stages of development, but they are becoming more and more popular each year. As technology advances, the possibilities for humanoid robots continue to increase.

Could robots be the new world citizens?

Robots are increasingly becoming a staple in our lives. They are being used in manufacturing, health care, and even the military. But could they soon be taking up citizenship in our world?

There are already a few cases of robots being granted citizenship. For example, in Saudi Arabia, Sophia's robot was granted citizenship in October of 2017.

Meet Sophia: The first robot declared a citizen by Saudi Arabia

So why are robots being given citizenship? There are a few reasons. One is that robots can provide benefits to society that humans can't.

For example, robots can do dangerous jobs or difficult tasks for humans to do. Robots can also help with things like elder care or caring for children.

Another reason is that robots can help with population growth and aging populations.

Are Robots our enemies or friends?

Are robots our enemies or friends? That's a question that has been debated for many years. But unfortunately, some people believe that robots are our enemies because they can be used to harm humans.

Others believe that robots are our friends because they can help us do things we wouldn't be able to do independently.

There is no doubt that robots can be used for evil purposes. For example, a robot could be programmed to hurt or even kill people.

However, there is also the potential for good that comes with robotics. For example, a robot could be used to help someone who is disabled or injured. Robots can also be used for dangerous or difficult tasks for humans, such as exploring space or cleaning up hazardous materials.

We have all seen the movies where the robots become our enemies, such as The Terminator. However, are they always our enemies? What if they could be our friends?

Robots are increasingly becoming a part of our lives. They are used in factories to do the jobs that are dangerous or difficult for humans to do. They are also being used in hospitals to help doctors with surgeries. Robots can also be helpful to people who are disabled or elderly.

Some people are afraid of robots because they think they will take away our jobs. However, I think that robots can be helpful to us because they can do the jobs that are dangerous or difficult for us to do.

What are Roboethics?

Robots are becoming increasingly popular and advanced, with new applications in personal and professional spheres. As robots become more integrated into society, it is important to consider the ethical implications of their use. This is what is known as roboethics.

One key consideration in roboethics is the impact of robots on human labor. With increasing unemployment rates and the rise of artificial intelligence, there is a fear that robots will replace human workers altogether.

Roboethics: The Human Ethics Applied to Robots

While this may be beneficial for businesses, it could negatively affect society.

Another issue that needs to be considered in roboethics is safety. As robots become more widespread, it is important to ensure that they are designed and used in a way that does not put people at risk. For example, what would be the consequences if a robot malfunctioned?

Final Thought

Science fiction has always portrayed robots as our mechanical slaves. But what if they could be something more?

Some people may be worried about having humanoid robots in our society. What if they become smarter than us and start taking over? However, robotics experts believe that these concerns are unfounded. The robots will only be as smart as they need to be to complete the tasks that they are assigned.

So far, humanoid robots have been used primarily for research purposes. But there is no reason they couldn't eventually be used in everyday life. For example, they could be used to assist elderly or disabled people or even work in factories.

Robots are becoming increasingly common in our everyday lives. They can be found in factories, hospitals, and even homes. But are they living up to their potential? Or are we just using them to do the jobs that are too difficult or dangerous for humans?

Some people believe that robots have the potential to change the world. They say that we could use robots to solve our biggest problems, like climate change and poverty. And they may be right!

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