Delicious iskender kebab

10 Jan 2024


  • Oven
  • Baking Tray
  • 2 pan
  • Pot
  • Spoon
  • Knife
  • grater
  • bowl


  • 600 gram veal entrecote
  • 1 pita
  • 1 grated onion juice
  • 2 spoon milk

For sauce

  • 1.5 spoon butter
  • 2 spoon tomato paste
  • 6 grated tomatoes
  • 2 glasses of hot water
  • 1 dessert spoon salt
  • 1 dessert spoon sugar

For decorating

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4 green pepper
  • 5 spoon yoghurt

For above

  • 4 spoon hot melted butter


  • Firstly , chop the pita into the small cubes and put them in a baking tray
  • Melt 2 spoon butter and pour it on the pitas and stir them
  • Bake them in a 200 degrees oven about 5-6 minutes
  • For sauce , put 1.5 spoon butter in a pot and heat it , add tomato paste and brown them
  • Add 6 grated tomatoes , sugar , salt and hot water in the pot and cook them about 10 minutes
  • Slice the meat thinly and put them in a bowl , add 1 grated onion juice and 2 spoon milk and stir them . if you want , you can wait it for 12 hours in the fridge before cooking
  • Put 3 spoon olive oil in a pan and add meats and cook them
  • Grill the tomatoes and peppers
  • For serving , firstly put pitas on the servis dishes , pour sauce on them and add the meats . put grilled tomatoes and peppers and pour again sauce on them and add hot melted butter on them
  • You can serve them with yoghurt

And detach meat from bones and nerves and attach them to skewers. And they cook the skewer vertically. They cut and add pitas to a serving dish. They chop and add the cooked meats on it, add the tomato sauce specially made to this dish and pour melted butter on it. And they produced iskender kebab. Since the name of the child who came up with this idea is iskender, the name of the dish is also called iskender kebab. This dish, which gained popularity in Bursa at that time, was appreciated by the whole country in a short time with its delicious taste. This dish, which has survived from the past to the present, is very popular both by the Turks and by foreigners today. We will share with you the homemade recipe of this dish. As a Turkish foods family , we definitely recommend you to try this delicious recipe we prepared for you. After trying it, do not forget to write your thoughts in the comments section.
Bon Appetit!

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