Dealing with negative emotions: 5 tips for overcoming trauma

20 Jun 2024

I had this thought on my mind 
For how long will these feelings last?
I thought I left my past behind
I need to solve this fast 

I was a victim of trauma 
Tho my story is not uncommon 
It's still a bit of a drama 
And I was done! 

But my friends and family beckoned 
I was able to find my way 
Was it always so easy I reckoned?
Alast I had seen the light of day 


Ever felt like your past is in the way? Yeah, some people feel like that sometimes. Our past should be a testament to what we have overcome and should serve as a reminder of what we can achieve. If they serve as a reminder of something you should forget then you need to take note.

Trauma takes away from what should be enjoyed. Steals the joy from the present while reliving the past. There is a threshold for when something becomes troublesome. When trauma interferes with your daily life, it is troublesome. You need help with that. 

According to experts, trauma is an emotional response to things like accidents and bad events. It is normal for the individual to feel shocked and denial after traumatic experiences. The symptoms of trauma usually include headache and so on while long-term symptoms involve flashbacks and poor relationships.

5 tips for overcoming trauma 

Talk with family and friends

After a traumatic experience or event, it is important to seek the help of family and friends. These people make up our inner circle and form a large part of our relationships. Depending on them during tough times, like after a traumatic experience, is perfectly okay. They can offer advice on what to do and give their perspective on the situation.

Seek out what gives you joy

A traumatic experience often robs an individual of their happiness. Hence it is important that after an event like that, the individual looks for a hobby or something that gives them joy to take their mind off things and give them rest. The most important thing here is the intrinsic factor. Once that is taken care of there is motivation to do other activities and slowly return back to normal livelihood.

Do not abuse drugs and substances

This is important. After a traumatic experience, individuals often use and abuse drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. This tends to provide temporary relief from the pain. But this would not help in the long term. It could lead to relapse, therefore creating a negative cycle of drug use and trauma. 

Do not neglect your wellbeing

It is important to look after yourself after a traumatic experience. Do not neglect basic hygiene out of negligence or worry. Eat properly and ensure you get enough exercise and rest. Neglecting, any of these would lead to more problems which could be health or behavioural issues.

Change your environment 

Living in the same environment where a traumatic event happened could be daunting, to say the least. The sight of things you're used to could trigger a negative emotional response. You might need to change your environment totally and triggers that might cause anxiety or stress as a result of flashbacks.


Traumatic events rob us of our joy and leave us in all sorts of conditions. However, different strategies exist to try and reduce its effect on everyday life. Some of them include finding family or friends to help you out. Looking out for what gives you joy and do that. Partaking in fun things. Reliving pleasant moments and forgeting the ones that hurt you. In fact, better still, building new ones that are pleasant. Whatever you choose to do, remember. We are the architects of our own lives.

So, Live in the present moments; not in your horrible past. Remember to enjoy yourselves to the utmost and stay safe.

Riddle of the day:  What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?

Remember to leave your thoughts on the post and answer to the riddle in the comment section. Keep striving!

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