The root cause of injustice

20 Oct 2022

A closer examination would reveal that there are other factors besides ignorance that contribute to our failure in life.

Man is not the name of a person, race, or caste, as anyone with even a modicum of knowledge can see. People exist everywhere and will always exist. Every person has the right to live. All people have the right to have their needs satisfied. Everyone has the right to dignity, fairness, and respect. What is referred to be human happiness is actually the happiness of all people, not the happiness of any one person, family, caste, or race. We cannot declare that man is happy if it is not true that one person is content while ten people are dissatisfied. All persons have a right to welfare. None of a caste or class. It is not possible to call anything welfare if it kills ten people and benefits one. If we believe this to be true, we should evaluate how we might promote human welfare and happiness. Making the legislation for the life of man, in whose eyes all men are equal, is the only option, in my opinion. He should decide on everyone else's rights because he has no need of his own. Additionally, it shouldn't be dependent on any one family, class, nation, or set of people's requirements. Everyone should submit to him if he does not rule in error due to ignorance or misuse his power out of lust, if he is not the enemy of one and the friend of another, if he does not favour one over the other, and if he does not lean one way while turning away from the other. Only in this manner is justice possible. All men, all castes and races, all classes and groupings, and so on, can receive their just dues in this way. There is no other way to end injustice but in this way. I now ponder whether there is another individual who is as unwavering, fair-minded, selfless, and above all other human flaws. Perhaps any of us could answer this query of mine. One wouldn't dare to respond "yes" because Allah alone is the sole possessor of such majesty. So why shouldn't a man have compassion and empathy? He does have needs and preferences, after all. He has closer ties to some people than others, loves some people more than others, and has unions with some people but not others. No person can be free from these flaws. This is the justification for favouring human law over Islamic law. There will inevitably be some kind of injustice and oppression where the commands of mankind are followed instead of those of Allah.

Take a look at the royal families who have ascended to the top by force and influence. He has reserved for us particular dignity, splendour, wealth, rights, and power that are not available to others. are high from the law. Nothing can be said about them. The world sees them doing wrong, but it is said—and even those who believe it believe it—that the king is innocent of wrongdoing. Regardless of what they do, no complaint can be made against them, and no court can issue summonses against them. The world observes their wrongdoing, but it is claimed—and even those who accept this—that the monarch is guiltless. The entire world can see that these people are just regular people like everyone else. But when these false gods grow in power, people begin to fear them and bow down in front of them, as if their life, death, and everything in between were in their hands. The good and awful things that these subjects own are stolen in every way, and they are wasted on our palaces, our cars, our pleasures, and our entertainments. Their pets have access to food that the wealthier people do not. Is this fair? Can any justice, whose eyes are open to all men and all interests, decide on this method?

Look at the classes of Bhats, Mujawars, Nawabs, Sansthanikas, Zamindars, Jagirdars, Moneylenders, and Shethjis; they all believe they are better than the average person. It grants rights that are not available to the average person. It grants rights that are not available to the average person. For the gratification of their lusts, people's lives, wealth, honour, and everything else are sacrificed. Some actions are holy while others are profane, superior while others are inferior, high while others are low, and some are for plunder while others are for plunder. Can a just person create such rules? Isn't this evidence of their prejudice and self-interest? Look at the powerful groups. With the might of their dominance, they have reduced other people to slavery. What laws and regulations exist where selfishness is not a factor? These claim to be the highest human beings, but in actuality, they are the only ones who qualify as humans. For them, members of the weak group are either not even human or, if they are, have the status of a Shudra. They prioritise themselves over others in every aspect and believe it is OK to put their demands ahead of those of others. This hue is glowing in all of the laws and regulations that have been established throughout the world as a result of his power and influence. These few samples are just provided as a guide. Details are not appropriate at this time. I only want to make the point that wherever there are laws created by humans, injustice will inevitably occur. While others' rights have been not only ignored but also willingly degraded to the level of humanity, some have received too much of their just due. The cause of this is man's fault because when he begins to make decisions, his intellect and mind are swayed by the idea of his personal interest or the interest of his race or class. He lacks the same empathy for other people's rights and interests as he does for his own. Tell me, is there any other way to address this injustice save for us to all reject all rules created by humans and submit to Allah's law, according to which there is no distinction between humans? There is a distinction, but it only pertains to ethics, behaviour, and quality. Never based on racial, social class, or national origin.

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