Sky high
When God created you, he wondered, "Hmm what should I do? Let this person fly, or stick him to the floor with glue. What do you think he chose for you? I know he wants us to fly, but life is our glue when we think we're up, here comes life with a reality slap trying to test our will to see where we're at. Are you going to get back up, or are you staying under the mat?"
I overcame it, and the key to my success is my faith in God, who I know has given me the strength to overcome any challenge that is willing to go head-to-head with me.
When you believe you're going to lose, remember that God gave you wings, so it's time to fly straight past your opponent, and my oh my
You felt wonderful after your first victory, but now that life is attempting to make things difficult for you once more, let's pray that we will be able to bounce back and not allow it to crush us. Who knows? Maybe this time the race will end differently.
But it's up to you if you believe that God made you a quitter. If so, it's time to get back up and train through the winter to be at the top of your game once more. Also, try not to forget that life feeds off anyone who is in a weak state of mind at this time. Therefore, stand tall and face it with the strength that God gave you because today could be the last day.
So, instead of living in terror, remember that only the life above us is perfect and that you are worth it.