20 Mar 2024

STEP 1️⃣:
After you have successfully imported or created a wallet *(i.e If you had a wallet before there is no need for you to sign up again, just go and copy your wallet passphrases, click on import, and log into your wallet)* and note you will be asked to create 6 digits for the password, do not forget that.

STEP 2️⃣:
Now that you've imported your wallet and your wallet is set to do the task, Go to *Missions*, as I said earlier in my previous information you will be asked to do 5 missions. Now I will advise you to take the mission in descending order starting from
Mission Z which is the Quiz KYC Verification, you will be asked 5 questions with options, please check the option you've chosen if it's correct before submitting. Redirect back to the TEST QUESTION.

STEP 3️⃣:
After you have successfully passed *Mission Z* you will be given 10 USDT to complete *Mission L*, before carrying out Mission L, you will need to make use of the 10 USDT given to you, Go to *Hub*, under Hub you will see *"Swap"*, click on Swap USDT to OEX, USDT to AGI, and make sure you have at least 1 USDT, 1 OEX, and 2.5 AGI in your wallet after making use of the 10 USDT on swapping.
Now go back to Mission L and add all assets (Make sure all these assets i.e USDT, OEX & AGI are in a green tick)

STEP 4️⃣:
Now Move to Mission T, which is the Telegram Mission, you will be given content to send to Agiex_bot on a telegram, copy the content, open your telegram account, search for @agiex_bot, enter the bot, click on Start and paste the content you've copied and send it to the bot after you have completed the task on Telegram, the result might not effect immediately, leave the bot and move to Mission X

On Mission X, which Twitter Task, you will be asked to provide your Twitter Username, after that, you will be given some captions to post on the Twitter username account you've provided, Open your X account, and before posting the captions make sure you are following both OEX and AGIex verified Twitter handle, then proceed to post the captions, after you have successfully posted the captions, copy the link to the post and go back to your OEX App and submit it.

NB:Please make sure the missions show a green tick after you've completed the task._

Mission E, which is where you will bind your Satoshi registered email account with your country... mind you MISSION E is yet to start, but we are looking forward to it today. Once Mission E starts I will inform you all.

Please take your time to read the steps one after the order, do not rush...the best is yet to come.

... and I'm using this medium to beg you all before you come to my DM, make sure you are aware of the problem you are encountering before messaging me.
I will open the group now for interaction between members.

Good luck 🀝

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