
14 Jan 2024


It had not rained in Moronip for the past forty days, even though the month of Inmetul was said to be the rainiest month in that part of eastern Inmarap.

The village of Moronip was one of the secluded villages in eastern Inmarap and the closest inhabited place was Inbap, a big commercial city about 300 kilometers away.

Inwap and Jigwap had been living in Moronip all their lives and If you asked them, they would confess to you that this is the first time that the rains had refused to fall and they were worried that their crops would die away if the rains didn't come soon.

Inwap was a fair complexioned, largely built man of thirty five years and stands about six feet and three inches tall.

In fact he is said to be taller than most people in Moronip.

He was born in Moronip and had been living there all his life.
The idea of going to live in any of the popular cities far away from Moronip repulsed him.

In fact he was in love with the village of Moronip, as it was his own idea of paradise, with its beautiful flowing stream, two forests, arable lands and caring community folks.

Inwap met his wife Jigwap when she was only five.
He was captivated by the fair beau's kindness, friendliness and innocence.
Therefore he became her playmate and confidant.

The poor girl had lost her father in an auto crash in the city of Indebap, where he worked as a taxi driver.
Her mom Iniwop was overcome by sorrow and fell sick.
She died two years later when Jigwap was only 3 years old.

After her burial ceremony was concluded, Jigwap's big aunt who lived in Moronip came and took her to live with her in Moronip, where she worked as a tailor.

Inwap's friendship with Jigwap soon became the talk of the village, and as they grew up, all the villagers discouraged possible suitors from talking to Jigwap, as they had concluded that Inwap would marry her.

So it was no surprise at all when only last year, Inwap went to Jigwap's aunt and told her of his intentions towards her niece.
The lady was overjoyed to hear that he wanted to marry Jigwap. So she quickly took him to see Inwap's uncle who was her only living relative that could give her hand in marriage.

The old man gathered the elders of his community together and informed them of the matter at hand. When they had reached an agreement for the marriage to take place that day because of the long distance Jigwap had travelled in order to meet them, they informed him and received the bride price and every other ceremony was performed.

Inwap, Jigwap and her big aunt returned to Moronip in the evening just in time to entertain the multitude of villagers that came to felicitate with them on their wedding.

The celebration continued until late in the night.

Inwap and Jigwap's wedding ceremony took place in the month of Avilup, when Moronip was just entering the rainy season, which was also their planting season.

It took Jigwap only two months to get pregnant. And as the months passed by, her belly grew quite big to the extent that the villagers were predicting that she would give birth to twins.

It often degenerated to quarrels and to settle this quarrels, the wise ones in the village asked the opponents to place bets with certain amount of cowries. The cowries that was used to place these bets were kept by a neutral third party, awaiting the time Jigwap would give birth.

A month later, Jigwap gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and there was much joy in the village.

All the villagers brought numerous individual gifts to Jigwap and her husband.
The gifts were so much that there was not enough room to store and Jigwap had to give out the last ones to her friends and relatives.

On the eighth day after her delivery, Jigwap named the newborn "Jiskey", meaning "Lightbearer".

Jiskey grew quickly; a strong, intelligent and healthy young man and all the villagers loved him and often sent him on errands.
He received so many tips that his father had the village carpenter make a piggy bank for him, where he stored his tips.

At the age of seven, Jiskey's parents celebrated his birthday for the first time. And he received many birthday gifts and wishes.
But little did he know that he was about to receive the biggest birthday gift of his entire life that very night.

Can you guess what it is?

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