
22 Jul 2022

While some people engage in sports, watch movies, take walks, listen to music, or hang out with friends during their leisure time. I find solace in reading books. I enjoy reading books from genres ranging from mystery, romance, self-help, motivation, and adventure to fantasy. Books for me are a form of escape from the real world. When I read books, I feel like a traveler moving through different worlds and experiencing different things. Not only am I a traveler, but I also have the opportunity to open my mind to a lot of ideas from the writer and see the world from different viewpoints.

Books are not only for the purpose of having fun, but we can also learn a lot about the world from reading books. Books, even though fiction is like small parts of history written down. When you read a book written by an African author, you get to learn about what the culture of the writer is like, the same goes for a writer who is British or American. You experience culture and learn about the lives of the persons from the eyes of the writer.


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