When love starts

17 May 2023

I've always known that love will eventually find me, but I never imagined that it would be you.
You surprised me and caught me off guard, but you just enthralled me, just as you do when I gaze into your eyes.

Every good and perfect gift truly comes from above.
You were given to me in the form of a lovely gift that was filled with humor, ability, knowledge, beauty, and love.Finding the ideal match is not the goal; rather, it is learning to notice every flaw in a person.
Although we all have our shortcomings, when I look at you through my eyes, I only see perfection.

I still enjoy the tiny things you do, especially hearing you laugh and observing how your nose wrinkles similarly to how mine does whether you're happy or angry. too.
Even though entering into our relationship was difficult at times, we managed to make it.
I am confident that we can accomplish anything as long as we continue on this path together.

If what we have is too good to be true, I wonder sometimes.
I'm afraid of losing you and of having my heart shattered, but in the end, I put my trust in the One who created and perfected my beliefs because He guarantees that we will receive what we ask of Him.

The expression goes, "Where your treasure is, there will also be your heart."
God is the only one who has knowledge of what the future may hold, thus I may not know.
The only thing I am certain of is that you are my one and only, a treasure to which I want to give my entire life.

Since everything I've experienced in the past pales in comparison to what I've shared with you, I am confident that I don't need to provide evidence to support my feelings.
Although I've been in relationships previously, this is the first time I've been completely content... It was all I could have hoped for.

Knowing that I am yours and that you are mine is an honor, and I have faith that God will bring us together in His perfect timing.

For the time being, I will be eagerly awaiting the day when we will be together and the priceless moment when I will declare, "It's you that I want to be with forever."
God created everything to be exquisitely lovely, priceless, and brand-new—just as lovely and priceless as the day I shall gaze into your eyes and
declare, "I Love You."

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