Integrity and Reputation

23 May 2023

Your integrity is more important than your reputation.
Because your reputation depends on how others perceive you, and that cannot be trusted.
Sometimes, no matter how good you are, people will demonize you and negatively impact your reputation because it serves their selfish interest.
But your Integrity is what you'll live with. It's always there.
If you compromise on it, you will have a hard time looking at yourself in the mirror.
Your integrity is SACRED. Preserve it at all costs.
Most importantly, do not compromise your integrity just to build a reputation. If You do, you will hate yourself for it. And hating yourself is the worst thing you'd want to do to you.

You want to build a strong reputation? Uphold your values.
Be the person you claim to be all the time. Work on preserving and maintaining your integrity and your reputation will improve effortlessly.
Do the inner work, do not chase the external validation.

Focus on yourself not what people say and think of you.

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