Simplifying Software Design with Hexagonal Architecture

19 Mar 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, one architectural pattern stands out for its clarity and flexibility: Hexagonal Architecture.
Also known as Ports and Adapters or the Onion Architecture, this approach offers a structured way to design applications, making them more maintainable, testable, and adaptable to change.

Understanding the Core Concepts
1. Core Logic:

At the heart of the Hexagonal Architecture lies the application’s core logic. This is where your business rules reside, independent of any external frameworks or databases. The core encapsulates the essence of what your application does, making it the most crucial part of the design.

2. Ports:

Ports define the interfaces through which the core interacts with the external world. They act as the entry and exit points of your application:

  • Primary Ports (Input Ports): These interfaces allow external entities, such as user interfaces or external systems, to interact with the core. Examples include REST API endpoints, CLI commands, or UI controllers.
  • Secondary Ports (Output Ports): On the flip side, secondary ports handle the communication of the core with external systems. They abstract away the details of data storage, retrieval, or external service calls. Examples include database repositories, email services, or logging mechanisms.

3. Adapters:

Adapters are the concrete implementations of the ports. They serve as the bridge between the application core and the external world:

  • Primary Adapters: These adapters implement the logic necessary to handle input from external sources and translate them into actions for the core. For instance, a REST API controller or a CLI command handler.
  • Secondary Adapters: Conversely, secondary adapters implement the logic required to interact with external systems. This could include database access objects, email sending services, or API clients.

Advantages of Hexagonal Architecture
1. Flexibility:

One of the most significant advantages of Hexagonal Architecture is its flexibility. By separating the core logic from the external interfaces, you can make changes to the external systems without impacting the core. This means you can swap out databases, change API protocols, or update UI frameworks without rewriting your core business rules.

2. Testability:

With clear separation between the core logic and the external interfaces, writing tests becomes much simpler. You can write unit tests for the core logic without needing to involve external systems. This isolation makes it easier to ensure the correctness of your business rules.

3. Focus on Business Logic:

Hexagonal Architecture encourages developers to focus on what matters most: the business logic. By abstracting away the technical details of input/output handling, developers can concentrate on implementing and refining the core functionality of the application.

Implementing Hexagonal Architecture

Image Credits : StackOverFlow
Implementing Hexagonal Architecture involves structuring your application into layers:

  • Core Layer: Contains the domain entities, business logic, and interfaces (ports).
  • Adapters Layer: Implements the interfaces defined in the core layer, separating concerns based on input (primary) and output (secondary).
  • External Systems: The actual external systems like databases, APIs, or user interfaces are connected via the adapters.


Hexagonal Architecture provides a clear and structured way to design applications, ensuring they remain maintainable and adaptable over time. By focusing on separating concerns and defining clear boundaries between components, developers can create robust and testable software systems.
So the next time you’re building an application, consider the Hexagonal Architecture approach.
It might just be the key to a more scalable, maintainable, and understandable codebase.
Happy coding!

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