Jealousy’s Grip

20 Aug 2024

In the shadows of the heart where whispers dwell,
Jealousy weaves its insidious spell.
It crawls in the night, soft as a sigh,
Yet burns with a flame that no tears can dry.

It starts with a glance, a fleeting gaze,
A spark that ignites the inner blaze.
What once was pure, now tainted and torn,
By the green-eyed monster, jealousy born.

In silent moments, it creeps like a thief,
Stealing joy, sowing seeds of grief.
It whispers lies that twist the mind,
Leaving only bitterness behind.

"Why not me?" it hisses low,
As doubts begin their cruel grow.
A friend’s success, a lover’s smile,
All now stained by jealousy’s guile.

It feeds on fear, it thrives on pain,
Turning sunshine into rain.
What once was love, now laced with doubt,
Jealousy’s poison, seeping out.

The heart once pure, now dark and cold,
As jealousy’s tale begins to unfold.
A tale of longing, unfulfilled dreams,
Where nothing is ever as it seems.

It masks itself in righteous pride,
But deep inside, it cannot hide.
The envy that festers, the anger that burns,
In jealousy’s grip, the heart yearns.

Yearns for what it cannot hold,
For fleeting moments, for promises bold.
But all it finds is emptiness,
A hollow echo of its own distress.

Jealousy sees through tainted eyes,
And nothing escapes its bitter cries.
A friend’s kind words, a lover’s touch,
Twisted into something too much.

Too much to bear, too much to fight,
Jealousy turns day into night.
It festers, it grows, it takes control,
Until it consumes the very soul.

No reason can soothe, no logic can tame,
The wild beast that jealousy became.
It sees what it wants, it takes what it craves,
Dragging hearts to the darkest graves.

It binds the soul in chains unseen,
A prisoner to a mind unclean.
No joy, no peace, no love can stay,
When jealousy has its cruel way.

It turns the innocent into foes,
A never-ending list of woes.
What once was good, now seen with scorn,
By jealousy’s hand, the heart is torn.

Yet in the darkest hour of the night,
There flickers still a distant light.
For jealousy, though strong, can break,
If the heart decides its chains to shake.

To see the truth beyond the lies,
To look with clear, untainted eyes.
To find in others what we lack,
And in ourselves, the courage to act.

To act with love, to act with grace,
To put aside the jealous race.
For in love’s light, jealousy fades,
Its power lost, its edges stayed.

But the battle is fierce, the struggle real,
For jealousy’s wound takes time to heal.
It leaves behind scars deep and true,
A reminder of the pain it drew.

Yet in those scars, there lies a story,
Of overcoming jealousy’s fury.
A tale of growth, of inner peace,
Of finding in oneself release.

Release from the need to compare,
From the constant search for what’s not there.
For in contentment, jealousy cannot thrive,
In self-love, it cannot survive.

So let us strive to rise above,
To fill our hearts with boundless love.
For in love’s embrace, we find the key,
To breaking free from jealousy.

To cherish what we have as ours,
To celebrate others’ shining hours.
To see the world with open eyes,
And cast away jealousy’s lies.

For in this life, so brief and bright,
There’s no room for jealousy’s blight.
Let’s fill our days with joy and grace,
And leave no space for jealousy’s trace.

In the end, we are all the same,
In this great, endless, cosmic game.
So why let jealousy’s dark shadow fall,
When we can rise, together, all?

Let love be the guiding star,
The light that shines from near to far.
And in its glow, let us find,
The peace that soothes the jealous mind.

For jealousy, though fierce and wild,
Is but the temper of a child.
And with wisdom’s gentle hand,
We can calm it, take a stand.

A stand for love, a stand for peace,
A stand where all jealousies cease.
In that place, the heart is free,
Free to love and to simply be.

So let jealousy wither away,
As we welcome the light of day.
And in that light, may we find,
A world where love and peace are kind.

A world where hearts beat pure and true,
Where jealousy is but a shadow of blue.
Fading away as love takes flight,
Guiding us all towards the light.

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