There were 1 Million Cyber Attacks in Turkey in 2023!

29 Jan 2024

WatchGuard, a global brand in the field of integrated cyber security, announced important data about cyber attacks occurring in Turkey in 2023. Data obtained by WatchGuard Threat Laboratory reports that there were 1,002,331 malware attacks in 2023, with attacks decreasing by 1.32% compared to the previous year. WatchGuard Turkey and Greece Country Manager Yusuf Evmez emphasizes that although there is no significant increase in cyber attacks against Turkey in 2023, companies and individual users should be careful against attacks.

According to the report prepared by WatchGuard Threat Center with data from UTM device Fireboxes, there will be 2,754 malware attacks every day, 115 every hour and 2 every minute in Turkey in 2023. Many of the attacks; According to Yusuf Evmez, who stated that there are malware originating from Gen:Variant.Lazy.282231 and Adware.Generic.3106131, although malware attacks have decreased by 1.32% in a year, the necessary precautions should not be neglected.

Cyber Attacks Broke a Record in April 2023. While a record number of 203,583 malware attacks occurred in April 2023, 6% of these attacks were zero-day attacks. Stating that today's traditional protection methods cannot provide sufficient defense against these attacks that cause great damage to information systems and sensitive data, Yusuf Evmez recommends that companies use security devices and software that can use new technologies such as machine learning.

Network Attacks Increased by 308%
Today, while many institutions move their data to networks, cyber attackers who take advantage of this situation and want to obtain data are infiltrating networks and launching powerful attacks. Pointing out that network attacks increased by 308% to 42,520 in 2023 and that the majority of these attacks occurred as "WEB Directory Traversal -2.u", Yusuf Evmez emphasizes that cybercriminals aiming to enter networks continue to try every method to achieve their goals.

WatchGuard Turkey and Greece Sales Engineer Alper Onarangil said, “Security vulnerabilities that emerged in many widely used products in 2023 caused a significant increase in attacks against services and applications due to the lack of security patches. Looking at the details of these attacks, it is seen that brute force attacks are still among the 10 most common attacks, even though they are an old attack. To reduce the effects of attacks, narrowing the attack surface is of critical importance. Therefore, it is important to use a centralized patch management software to ensure timely patches are applied against security vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications. These patches should be installed automatically, without being left to user initiative. In terms of security, protecting passwords and identity information is also a critical issue. "Multi-factor authentication, which is one of the most effective methods to protect against attacks that may occur following brute force attacks or password theft, plays an important role in reducing information security risks by increasing security." He makes statements.

A lot of people, including big companies, are being attacked lately. Untrustworthy links come from accounts of very reliable brands. Even if your mother, father, spouse or sibling sends you a link, make sure it is safe before clicking.
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