Good Times.

13 Apr 2024

Good times. Even enjoyment can become boring and unfulfilling some times. Life would then appear one-directional and satisfaction will not satisfy any more.

Not so good times. The struggles can be beautiful too. When you look at it from the perspective of art, you will see beauty.

Both. Now both are essential for a feel of balance. Though not too much on the down side tho, and not an overdose on the high side.

The two are like ying yang, day and night, two partners in balance.

So, there is beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success. We only need to know the essence of balance. And Joel is in no way suggesting that a good life be thrown away or a harsh life adopted; no. Salvation is saying the need for balance is essential in ensuring stability and sincere appreciation.

One does not necessarily need to jump into a pit of hell to appreciate heaven, neither does one have to sacrifice the eternal paradise just to have a temporal feel of bliss. Exposure will solve these things.

For life and Art, Sadiq Yusuf.

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