The Greatest Manga Ever
From the title, you might be wondering "what on earth is a manga"? On the other hand, if you've had the pleasure of being exposed to manga before, your question instead may be "I wonder what this guy's gonna say is the best manga". Read on to find out :)
Manga is Japanese comics. Cartoons. Sounds childish, but it's a bit more than just Sesame Street. Manga is consumed by about a third of all Japanese people and there's a good reason for that. There is a HUGE variety of manga, from romance to action to pure comedy (there's some naughty stuff out there too). Despite all this, I'm here to tell you that among the 50,000 or so manga, there is ONE MANGA that is the greatest of all time (it even has a Netflix adaptation!).
Our main character, Luffy :D
Look at my profile picture. It's a weird dude wearing a hat and red shirt. Well... he's the main character of the greatest manga of all time! He's the main character of "ONE PIECE" - a Japanese comic series about pirates, adventure, friendship, justice, power, betrayal, ambition, love, you name it.
Briefly, One Piece is about the main character, Luffy, going on a huge adventure across the seas to become the Pirate King. He wants to be free from the shackles of the World Government and roam around with his friends. The story goes through how he assembles his crew of buddies, then they embark on the quest to find the ultimate treasure that will crown him as Pirate King. Along the way, they make stops at several islands, each with their unique story and lessons. At surface level, it's an action-packed adventure story, but it delivers some seriously deep messages about human interaction, the grey-border between justice and evil, conforming to authority, free will, racism, human rights, and much much more.
Bunch of nasty Marines... they wanna hunt down every single pirate and KILL them
One Piece is officially the longest running manga of all time and has been in circulation for over 20 years. To this day, I wait every week for a new chapter to come out and read it diligently. However, there have been announcements that it's coming to an end in the near future, perhaps 2-3 years. The storyline is reaching a climax, age-old mysteries are being explained weekly, and you can really feel the author going for that huge finale. Now's your chance to hop on the bandwagon and read on before you miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. If you need something new in your life to brighten up your day or look forward to after a long day at work, pull out Chapter 1 of One Piece and have a gander! It starts slow but it'll consume you in no time. Enjoy :D
Luffy's group of friends, the Straw Hat Pirates!