Scientific Proof that God exists

23 Apr 2023

Scientific reasoning suggests that god must exist

Many make an argument that both nature and human existence in the universe point to a divine Creator who created it all. As far as we know, Earth is rich in conditions that make our existence possible and unmatched by other worlds.

Some argue for the existence of God based on inductive arguments. For example, one class of philosophers argues that evidence for God's exist- ence represents a fairly high
probability, but not absolute certainty. Many black spots persist, they say; undoing them requires confidence. Scottish statesman Arthur Balfour and others adopted this view in his book The Foundations of Belief (1895). The views expressed in this work were adopted in France by Ferdinand Brunetière, editor of the Revue des deux Mondes. Many orthodox Protestants make similar claims, such as Dr. E. Den- nert, president of the Kepler Society, in his book Is God Dead?
The commentator has no in- tention of proving the exist- ence of God mathematically. He simply points out that the existence of God is similar in limited ways to the existence of numbers that they, like God, are immaterial, real and eternal. This is of course true. And Coyne will have nothing.

Scientific proof that god exists

Some recent books and art- icles would have you believe that science now some- how - disproves the exist-
ence of God. The authors claim that we know so much about how the universe works that we don't need God at all: we can explain all the ways the universe works without needing a Creator.

But has modern science since the early 20th century proved that there is no God, as some commentators now claim? Science is a marvelous and wondrous enterprise: it teaches us about life, the world and the universe. But it doesn't tell us why the universe came into being, or what happened
before it came into existence in the Big Bang. Biological evolution does not give us an iota of understanding of how the first living organisms on this planet arose from inanimate matter, and how advanced eukaryotic cells the highly structured build- ing blocks of advanced life forms evolved from sim- pler produced in organisms. Nor does it explain one of science's greatest mysteries: How does consciousness arise in living organisms? Where do symbolic thinking and self-awareness come from? What makes people
understand the mysteries of biology, physics, math- ematics, engineering and medicine? What enables us to create great works of art, music, architecture and literature? Science is far from explaining these deep mysteries.

I find Augustine's argument for the existence of God through the universal reality of the divine spirit convin- cing. It's a very satisfying and even beautiful concept our abstract thoughts are real in the mind of the Creator, and we create in his
image, participating in his thoughts.

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