
28 Oct 2022

When Arun turned one, his mother Kanchana shut her eyes. Vidurji was too busy managing business and office affairs to pay attention to Arun. Kanchana's passing devastated Vidurji, and there was no one else home to take care of baby Arun. Friends and elders claim that Vidurji was prepared to remarry because he was aware of his stepmother's problems, so he wed Savitri, an older virgin. and add a stipulation. Care for infant Arun as if he were a foetus and don't want your own child! As soon as Savitri accepted it, Arun began to mature in her arms. Arun received more care from Savitri than Vidurji. Savitri caught a cold one day. She became cowry Bavari because to the cold, wrapped in four blankets, but her cold only became worse. As a result of Vidurji's patting, Savitri became warm and was able to sleep soundly. But in her womb, a small, heedless endeavour grew fruit. It was revealed that Vidurji would once more have children. A gorgeous son was born after Savitri gave birth. Varun was his name, and the two of them began to grow up together. People in Santoshi have now begun to speculate that Savitri will get a stepbrother. Savitri, though, resembled Varun or Arun. When I was tortured, did Vidurji worry that Arun wouldn't experience the same fate? Both brothers had excellent academic records. However, the two brothers' affiliation served distinct purposes. Varun Arun Kusangi, a thrifty innkeeper, turned into a spendthrift and careless person because of Kusangi's companion. When he was around Viduraji and Savitri, he used to act appropriately, but he was deceiving himself. He was dependent on booze in addition to smokes. His Kusang grew bigger and bigger.

Arun strayed into a different environment while Varun, who had grown intelligent and talented in Vidurji's business, enlarged it. He was taken aback by Varun's development, but he kept it to himself. Business was booming for Vidurji, and he was earning more respect. The amount they used to spend for both children was the same, but Arun's financial situation was getting worse. He developed a lying addiction. His debt grew as a result of him starting to sell his household things. Addicts never refer to themselves as addicts. He places the fault elsewhere. He not only upholds his own reputation, but he has no qualms about tarnishing the reputations of people who are close to him. He views himself as autonomous and knowledgeable. He doesn't smell the breath of them. He holds others accountable knowing how his other friends have struggled with addiction. As soon as he gets out of bed, he starts to crave booze. He doesn't enjoy eating. He eats something and covertly consumes various types of alcohol, falls somewhere, sleeps, and sustains injuries, but because he is Vidurji's son, he is looked after, and no one at home is aware of this.

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