- Hey guys today we shall talk about tree please read it full what is the tree ? A tree is a tall plant and they can live too long time. it has a single stem or trunk and branches that they support leaves ..woody plnt regulary renewa its growth .tree absorbing carbon dioxid and produce oxgen for us .their roots stablize the soil. they are never die.tree predict climate change too . FACTS ABOUT TREE.... we will share about tree which play very important role in our life .thier basic part is root,trunk,leaves, without this we cant imagain our life this is the best part of our life. SOURCE OF OUR HAPPINESS AND HEALTHY LIFE . these tree play a very important role in our life .these tree make our life happy .and health is import part which is improve by this tree .they tree clean our air and ecosytems healthy .we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide .and tree is opposted by us tree breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxgen .we perfect partners.. these tree do lot of things for us .we loe these tree PARTS OF THE TREE...... like human tree have different part of body too. root leave trunk and all these part help the tree so that keep strong..and tree live long as we said their life is 5000years and the oldest tree from the united kingomis approximately 1000years. this is the one of beautiful thin in the earth. TYPE OF TREE; EVERGREEN TREE; We tell about evergreen tree this will green for so long.their leave dont completely fall during the autumn . they grow new leaves which replace new one DECIDOUS TREES : deciduous tree are known to lose all of the leaves during autumn and they ramain bare throughout the winter .they grow their leave every year THEIR STRUCTURE : YOU SEE IN THE PICTER SO GUYS LEAVE YOU COMMENT ALSO THIS IS GOING AMZAING ................