MemeFi X Linea Park Quest Guide


Welcome to the meme lands, explorer!

Complete the quest with the help of the guide below and receive commemorative NFT badges.

⚠️ The NFTs are minted on the Linea Mainnet (not Testnet!) and use gas (which is now really cheap).

⚠️ All the other activities are completed on the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet and are totally free!

The NFTs are both part of Linea Park and MemeFi Testnet Festival. Learn more about the alpha test and the festival here and here.

Basic Task: Quest Pioneer

For your convenience, we’ve prepared video guides on onboarding the game:

— Receiving Testnet Tokens:

— Joining the Game:

Set up a MemeFi Account

  1. Visit and click Start Playing
  2. Connect your Metamask Wallet using the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet (it’s available by default)
  3. Complete the registration process.
  4. During the checkout stage, you will be airdropped 0.02 testnet ETH, which is enough to cover all the expenses both in the basic and the bonus task. In case you need more ETH, you can refer to a Sepolia ETH faucet.
  5. The task is completed once you purchase your Social Key during the onboarding phase.

Now you’re free to open the quest page and mint the NFT!

To do this, scroll down a bit to find task instructions and click Mint NFT in the Quest Pioneer section.

Bonus Task: Elite Explorer

Check out the video guide on the bonus task!

Step 1: Complete the previous mission

This task can only be completed by users who have minted the Quest Pioneer badge. The previous quest will also guide you through setting up a MemeFi account needed to finish the bonus task.

Step 2: Purchase keys of different players

  1. From the main menu of the game, navigate to the Explore tab
  2. Choose any player and click on them (click on the Newest tab to make sure you’ll have enough Testnet ETH to cover the price)
  3. Click Buy and choose the amount (the purchase is made with free testnet tokens)
  4. Click Continue and confirm the transaction

Once you’ve done the task, you can return to the quest page and mint the NFT!
To do this, scroll down a bit to find task instructions and click Mint NFT in the Elite Explorer section.

Optional Task: Join MemeFi Discord

Go to and complete verification to become a MemeFi community member.

To receive & use your reward:

  1. Open the #elite-farmer channel and claim the Elite Farmer role
  2. Claim the ticket on Galxe:
  3. Spin it in the Fortune Wheel:

Elite and Royale tickets are part of the MemeFi Community Incentivization campaign running alongside the MemeFi Testnet, with rewards up to $1000 in $MEMEFI tokens.

Thank you for joining the quest! We’re only getting started. 😎

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