The Real Dangers of Mental Illness and Ignorance

15 Feb 2024

Nowadays even educated people are not able to do anything in their life. They want to do many things, want to become rich, want to buy a nice house and car but they are not able to do all this! Do you know why? Actually, they suffer from some diseases and these diseases are not physical but mental, meaning they suffer from mental illness.

1.Analysis Paralysis :-

Some people are very well educated and have all kinds of knowledge about what is going on in the world but they are unable to do anything in their life because they think a lot before starting any work, they They think so much while thinking that they go beyond the advantages and disadvantages. They think so much that they create problems that don't exist. Do you make too big a deal because of which you don't even start the work? Thinking is important, but do not think so much that you cannot start work due to fear. If the work is right then do it.

2.Take Advice :-

There are most of the people who keep taking advice before starting any work, now taking advice is not bad but they keep taking advice from any person. If you take advice from a capable and intelligent person then it makes sense, but if you take advice from a person who is not capable and intelligent, will he be able to give proper advice? And what does a person do after getting all the advice is that he chooses the cheap advice, he wants to be safe, does not want to take risk, it does not matter to him whether this advice is given by an unwise person or by a wise person, but rather his mind. He was looking for cheap things and until he doesn't get cheap advice, he remains engrossed in the game of advice.

3.Time Waste :-

In today's era, everyone is busy wasting time and later this time itself wastes them. Time is the most precious thing in this world, it cannot be bought, it can only be controlled. People keep wasting 4 to 5 hours daily on social media. Understand the value of time, it will not come back. Learn to convert negative things into positive. If you are spending so much time on social media then do not spend it as a consumer but become a creator. Share your skills so that people can know you and you can also earn.

4.Know Everything :-

The most dangerous disease in the world in an educated person: - I know everything. There are some people who, after taking a college degree or after growing up in their age, keep saying that I know everything, I do not need to learn. Even if you present the best of thoughts to him, he will answer you that I know all these, nothing will happen with them. It is very difficult to cure the disease of such a person because he knows everything, now the one who is sick is the one who does not know everything. Therefore, it is beneficial to stay away from such people, otherwise you may also get this disease.

5.Does not have feelings :-

Some people are very educated, they are so educated that they start talking to even people older than their age, they do not talk to less educated people politely but rather they talk to them very harshly. They do not consider humans as humans, they respect only the rich and consider the rest as garbage. Such a person may have money but does not have respect in the society. To earn respect in the society, there should be courtesy in your words and a feeling of kindness in your heart. Talk to people with respect.

So these were the 5 diseases of an educated person which do not allow that person to be successful.




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