lexi and aira and tyler
i herd lexi on the right got bit by a mouse and she screamed he head off i was not there but my mum was they catched a wild mouse but aira is cheaky she had had a fun day at fishing yesherday and lexi to there all good girl i think lexi learned her lesson when the mouse bite her on the hand but it was a tiny bite and she yelled and cryed poor girl she did not know what was going on i wonder whar was going in her head in that time who knows she is at prep to at school and aira will be there next at prep to and lexi will be in grade 1 when aira goes to school tyler i think he is in grade 10 or 9 he stays up late plays videos games all night with his friends he was tired at fishing because he stayed up all night playing video games he got some video games i dont know what he like to play so i dont know i hope i can earn some tips on here i hope you like my story about lexi and aira and tyler