
10 Sept 2022

Aduke, that's what I want to call her.
Sweet, sweet angel, I sincerely doubt what she's doing on earth.
She makes my skies blue, Makes love true
she's my love, my life, everything.

I met her some five years at a Gospel camp meeting. Isn't that enough to tell that God brought her to me? I mean, i was at a dinner meeting in the camp and my supposed date was hanging out with another guy, i was the distraction, i was fine with it, she was my padi Afterall. what I didn't realize was how lonely it would become when she would finally catch his attention.

I was supposed to be listening to the message, I know, but I couldn't just concentrate.  she was sitting just beside me, close to my beautiful friend. she wasn't even smiling or anything, but I knew there was something about her my heart wanted.

I wanted her, but I was too scared to say so.

I watched from a distance as if she wasn't just next to me. Her body language gave that "Stay away from me vibe", coupled with the fact that for a few years, I didn't know where my confidence was. I was pretty sure I lost it with the traumatic experience of Amaka breaking my heart.

I still couldn't find it tonight. 

Will I find love? watch out for the next piece

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