4 Jan 2024

Omega Network is an innovative proof of networking social chain designed to create a secure, high-performance, and stable decentralized social platform. By incorporating cutting-edge cryptographic technology, a highly scalable consensus algorithm, and user-friendly design, Omega Network empowers users worldwide to communicate, share information, make payments, and create decentralized applications while ensuring personal privacy and data security.

As internet technology continues to advance, social media has become an integral part of daily life for billions of users worldwide. However, current social media platforms face several fundamental issues, including data breaches, privacy violations, centralized control, and inefficiencies. Omega Network aims to address these challenges by leveraging blockchain technology to build a more secure, efficient, and decentralized social ecosystem.

The OPoS (Optimized Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism possesses several distinctive features that make it an attractive option in the world of cryptocurrency. With low transaction costs, minimal transaction delays, and high transaction concurrency, OPoS delivers an efficient and user-friendly experience for crypto enthusiasts.
This consensus mechanism supports a maximum of 21 validators, which helps strike a balance between decentralization and performance. By limiting the number of validators, the network can reach consensus more quickly, resulting in faster transaction times and improved scalability. At the same time, the OPoS mechanism ensures that validators are selected through a fair and transparent process, upholding the core principles of decentralization. In summary, the OPoS consensus mechanism combines the best aspects of performance and decentralization to create a robust and efficient blockchain network.

The total supply of OMN is 970 million tokens. The Omega V 2.0 token economy enables users to reap rewards earlier and fully enjoy the results of their own efforts. Holders have complete ownership of their tokens, which can be freely traded, grant coin holder benefits within the Omega Network ecosystem, and serve as DAO voting rights.
Total supply: 970 millioon
OMN User Mining: 295.85 million OMN, 30.5% of total supply
Node Mining: 339.5 million OMN, 35% of total supply
Seed Round: 330,616.546 OMN
Public Sale: 9.7 million OMN, 1% of total supply
Treasury: 97 million OMN, 10% of total supply
Reserve: 48.5 million OMN, 5% of total supply
Staking Reward: 48.5 million OMN, 5% of total supply
Exchange & Liquidity: 87.3 million OMN, 9% of total supply

Handling Validator timeouts
The network should adapt to validator churn as they go offline for various reasons. Validators that haven’t signed for Y blocks in a row (where 1 ≤ Y nonbonding period) are considered to have timed out and are implicitly unbonded. As long as validators churn in a staggered fashion, the active validator set can ad9 just to account for a changing set of participants. Validators that need to go offline temporarily might be incentivized to sign an explicit nonbonding transaction as opposed to timing out, as that allows the active validator set to adjust immediately. For example, timeouts could result in a small penalty fee in proportion to the amount of bonded coins, or validators may need to participate for some number of blocks before earning any fees. Later, (both explicitly and implicitly) unbonded validators can become active once again by submitting another bond transaction before the nonbonding period is over.

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